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Omg my parents are so mean 😂 My dad's like, "Oh, honey I hope you like metro-sexual, Japanese men!" To my mom, and I'm there just like wow.

"-ourname...." You rolled onto your side, and ignored the silky voice calling your name. "Wakey wakey...~" You heard some shuffling around, and suddenly a light weight on your legs.

You kept your eyes closed and whined, kicking your legs around, as if to get it off. You eventually cracked open your eyes, and turned your head slightly.

Your eyes widened and your cheeks turned pink. "Zen!!! What're you doing!?" You couldn't tear your eyes away from the shirtless Zen, who was resting his head on your legs.

He didn't move, but he spoke muffled, "Sleeping..." Your eye twitched, "But you just told me to get up.." You were annoyed, and quite cranky in the mornings.

"Ah, I've changed my mind, sweet dreams Your_Name," And he snuggled onto your lower leg. You looked away and gritted your teeth. Not like I'm gonna get any sleep now!

You started shaking your leg, trying to get Zen off, but you stopped not even ten seconds in. Gah! Zen's too precious to be treated roughly!

You stopped the shaking, sat up, and gently started to caress Zen's cheek. So soft and warm... Your eyes slowly started to drift closed, until your phone went off.

With a groan, you reached over to the nightstand, and checked the Caller ID:


The urge to decline the call came upon you, but you couldn't risk your job. You answered, "Hello?" "Good morning Sunshine!" You inwardly cried.

Your work colleague, who thought was your best friend, called you, "There's this nice looking guy who wants to see you today! I know it's your day off and all, but,"

You heard her pause and chew at her gum, "But you shouldn't let this guy down, right girly?" You despised the nickname, "Yes. I will be there in an hour. Please give the guy a free coffee or something..."

You could just see her nodding ecstatically, her blonde waves bouncing. "Yas, of course girly. But you gotta pay for it, I ain't givin' up my reputation!" You sighed, "Yeah, thanks Cheryl, bye..."

You ended the call, and looked back down at Zen, just to find him peering up at you in the most adorable way.
Ahh, my heart... "Who was that?" You untangled yourself from Zen's hold.

"A colleague, Cheryl. A real female dog." Zen gracefully stepped off the bed, and took your chin, swiftly making you look up at him, "A þitch, Your_Name?"

You frowned and nodded. Zen chuckled, "You know you can just say it, right?" You shrugged, "I need to go to work for an hour or two...." Zen released your chin, and leant on the wall crossing his arms. Shirtless.

"Enlighten me."

"U-um," You couldn't stop your eyes from roaming Zen's abs. You glanced back up to meet his amused and gorgeous eyes, "Am I too good-looking for you to even talk right?"

You just kept staring at his abs, your cheeks pinkening. You heard Zen laugh, and he kissed your temple, "I'll drive you there," Then he went into the kitchen, leaving you to get ready.

You stretched, then hunched over, walked to his closet, and pulled down a long sleeved, shirt, successfully snapping the hanger. You shook your head, and threw it on the bed.

Next, you pulled out a black skinny jeans, and you finally headed into the bathroom, grabbing your clothes. After a quick, yet steamy shower, you brushed your teeth, yanked on your clothes, and stepped out the bathroom.

You clipped your hair back, and grabbed your mascara, putting the smallest bit on the edge of your eyelashes, and you applied some chapstick.

As you were slipping on your watch, you felt a warm presence behind you, and the clip being removed. Your soft hair fell loose, and Zen started brushing it for you.

You were enjoying it, until you came back into reality. "Wait! Go get ready!" You grabbed your brush from his hands, and pushed him into the bathroom.

You quickly threw some anti-frizz lotion in your hair, put on a brown closed headband, and let your bangs fall under it, semi-covering one eye.

You finally looked at yourself in the mirror, and frowned. Am I really good enough for Zen? I don't have that super flat stomach, that perfect thigh gap, or the huge inhumane breasts...

As you stood there, gradually deflating, you heard the bathroom door open, and Zen walked out. The towel was riding low on his hips, and water droplets slowly dripped down Zen's abs.

"It's 8:45 Your_Name~~~~" Crap! It's been half an hour! You hurried out the room, and ate the breakfast Zen made, quickly threw the dishes it in the sink, and grabbed Zen's keys.

He emerged from the stairs wearing a light blue long sleeved button up, and black jeans. You oogled for a few seconds, then went outside, locking the door after Zen came out.

"I'll drive," You nodded, and handed Zen the keys, hopping in the passenger seat. You checked the time. 8:52. Okay. That's good.

<Time skip brought to you by Elizabeth the 3rd>

You opened the door to the café, and went through the 'Employees Only,' door. You were immediately greeted by Cheryl. "Girly! We've been waitin' foreva'! The guy's at table nine, and I'll let the boss know you're finally here."

You nodded, and made your way there, finding the brunette from the last time you were here. Zen's brother!? What does he want!? You cleared your throat and stood next to the table, as if taking an order.

"You wanted to see me?" He looked up, and you studied him better. Same nose as Zen, but blue eyes? Zen as redish pink eyes... "Yes. A few weeks ago, I came across you and my brother, Hyun."

You nodded, "How exactly has he been doing all of this time? Our parents saw what happened on the news too..." You didn't say anything yet. He seems like an honest, disciplined person...

"Um,.." He stood up, grasping your hands, moving close to your face. "Please! We've been worried sick about him! You have to tell me!!" He's tall... Over six feet like Zen. But, this guy is about an inch taller.

"Leave. Her. Alone." A stern, deep voice interrupted your thoughts, which you knew was Zen's voice. "What do you want to know, Brother?"

Ahh sorry for the wait! I was on a Disney Cruise (Really nice service!!!!) And I didn't have Internet in the middle of the ocean XD

Love Ya! <3

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