Little Mishaps

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"N-no!!!! The blueberries go inside! Not outside!!!!" You ran to Zen and smacked his hands off the blueberries. "NO TOUHCY! I DO!!!" He stared at you mortified, and  nodded, wiping his hands on his apron and backing away. You quickly rearranged the muffin, and shoved the plate to him.

"Take this to the stuck up snot with the straight hair." Zen chuckled, but did as you asked and went through the employee door. Sighing relieved, you turned back around and glared at Cheryl, "He's not interested, alright?" You spoke with a sharp tone.

She rolled her eyes and twirled her lockes around, "Whatever." You felt your temper rise, but you shook your head trying to calm down. Your attention was then directed to the door, when Zen walked in, "Chocolate chip créme, espresso, and a brownie for here."

Cheryl fixed it up, and and shoved it to you, "Be a dear, and take this to table eight." You reluctantly nodded, and made your way there finding three girls. "Your drinks and pastry..." You were about to set them down, but the one in the middle opened her mouth.

"Who're you? We want that handsome waiter, go away." You inwardly hissed at them. "I'm sorry, he's busy at the moment." They 'tsked,' and waved their hands sending you away. Rude female dogs...

After getting back inside, you sighed, "Did you have to come to work with me?" Zen ruffled your hair, "I'm not going to let anyone hit on my girlfriend. You know that." Feeling your cheeks pinken, you turned around and started taking out some utensils. "You are so ungrateful Your_Name."

At that, Zen shot Cheryl a glare, and she had immediately shut her mouth.


"W-wait Sir..!" You watched in horror as an old man strolled into the café holding a big, fat, fluffy grey cat. Didn't he see the 'no pets allowed' sign? When you looked at Zen, he was staring at the cat in pure horror. "A-ACHOO!!!!!" Zen's sneeze could be heard from across the city.

"T-The cat! ACHOO!!!!" Now everyone was staring at Zen and you. Grabbing Zen's hand, you dragged him outside, and handed him a few tissues from your pocket. "Stay here," And you went inside finding the manager. When you found him in his office, you called him outside.

"Sir, you know the handsome helper with the silver hair? He's allergic to cats, and a customer just brought one into the café."
Watching the manager get up, and stomp his way over to the man, you tip-toed back out to Zen.

"Feeling any better?" He sniffed quietly, "Yeah, thanks babe." And he gave you a quick wink, making you wink back and laugh softly.


Swiftly turning your head around, you met eyes with the three girls from before. So they know my name, huh? Smirking, you took small bit of Zen's ponytail and ran your hands through the soft silky silverness. "So?"

You fake yawned. The girls glared at you, and then were greeted my Cheryl who came next to them. So Cheryl's like their leader? Zen bent down, and whispered in your ear, "This you is quite interesting..." He referred to the act you were putting on.

You heard the girls gasp, and then Zen wrapped his arms around your shoulders. "I'm her boyfriend." And the Three ßitche§ + ßitcheŕ as you now called them looked mind blown. "B-But I thought you were lying!"

Very proud of yourself you shook your head, "And we're madly in love." You turned around and looked up at Zen, as he looked at you with a 'you're-so-cute--what-am-I-going-to-do-~with-you-?' expression. He bent down, and took your bottom lip in his, sucking gently as you were being stared at my the Three ßitche§ + ßitcheŕ.

"Shall we go?" You were unable to speak, absolute mush now. All þitchý attitude gone. Zen checked his watch and nodded satisfied. "Your shift just ended." He untied his apron, and then went around you, moving your hair over one shoulder, and you felt his warm fingers whisp over your neck.

He untied it slowly, and then pulled the string at the bottom. He took the apron from you, and went to go hand it to a mind-blown Cheryl. But not before whispering, "I wish this was a nude apron."




When do you want some smut? Very special later on? Like next chapter? Or some foreplay but save the actual deed? Lemme know!

Thanks! Love ya!


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