New Role

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My friend and I were talking, and it's official! I'm gonna write a Saeran x Reader story! '_' I feel like i should for some reason >///<


Incoming Call: Cheryl

You sighed, and dropped your fork, accepting the call. "Cheryl?" "Hey girly! Can we go clubbin' later? Bring your guy with you, imma steal him for a bit."

You resisted the urge to laugh. Does she realize that she just told me the reason why she wants me to go? "Hey, um, sorry, we're busy..." You heard her gasp.

"But at least have him go to protect me later! There will be perverts everywhere, and I'll be targeted!" You rolled your eyes. I'm pretty sure they'll be running from you. "Goodbye Cheryl."

You ended the call proud of yourself. Yes, I just stood up to Cheryl! You put your phone back into your purse, and continued eating your spaghetti in the most normal way you could.

Zen was in the bathroom, but he left his phone behind on the table. A few bites in, you noticed Zen was taking a while, and his phone started ringing. You glanced at the caller ID.

The Agency

You recognized that as his work, and you remembered Zen telling you to answer his phone if it's work. You picked up his phone, and quickly hit 'accept,' before you could chicken out.

"Hello?" On the other side there was a man, "Is this Zen Ryu?" You weren't sure what to do. "Um, he's busy, may I take a message?" "Yes, please tell Zen that he got the the role of Gray Fullbuster in Fairy Tail the Musical."

Your eyes widened, and you nodded - but then you remembered that he couldn't see you, "Yes sir!" And then the call ended. You sat there, excitement clearly shown in your expression.

You saw Zen making his way back to you, and you literally flew onto him, "YOUGOTHEROLEASGRAYFULLBUSTERINYOURNEWMUSICAL!!!!!!" Zen was confused, but then he nodded as if slowly processing what you said.

"Wait, so you're telling me that I got the role of Gray Fullbuster in the upcoming Fairy Tail musical?" You nodded eagerly, and Zen immediately called his agency.

"Hello? Yun?" He paused listening to the other line, "So the first meeting his today!?" He looked at you, and mouthed '45 minutes.' "Yeah, see you there."

He finished up his food quickly, and after some time of arguing, you gave in and let Zen pay the bill. "30 minutes! Drive!"

And Zen took off, and eventually reached his rehearsing area with minutes to spare. You followed Zen, and he checked in at the desk, then got a badge for you.

"Zen's Girlfriend."

Your face turned pink, "Really Zen?" You were embarrassed by how it described you, but you were proud nonetheless. When you went into the meeting room, a few actors and actresses you've heard of were sitting on the chairs.

You noted each one. She was Jasmine in Aladin, he was that tomato dude in some show, HOLY SMOKES! SHE WAS THE ACTRESS IN THE PHANTOM OF THE OPERA!!!!

You decided to stop looking around, and you took the seat which Zen patted next to him. The guy wearing a suit at the head of the table spoke.

"Good evening actors, actresses, and guests," He gave you a small wrinkled smile. You sighed relieved. Finally, someone nice today...

"As you know, you have all been chosen to act in Fairy Tail the Musical. I will just tell you the basics, and my assistant shall take over after."

He cleared is throat. "The show is approximately two hours, and all the main acts will need to sing. We have specifically chosen roles."

He picked up a clip board and read it off, "You know who you are, and the singing characters are Natsu, Lucy, Gray, Juvia, Erza, and Mira Jane."

You nodded proud. Yup, my Zen can sing. "You shall meet me back here every other day, and tomorrow we shall go over the scripts."

The man rose up and left, and then a younger version of him came in. "I shall be answering the FAQ recently mailed to me. He cleared is throat.

"This will be a spinoff from the actual Fairy Tail, tickets are $75, and finally, yes, the main couples will kiss. Also known as the main singers. "

Then, as you registered that, your world went blank.

Zen... will have to... KISS ANOTHER GIRL!!??

Ah yesh. But noooo >< No kissing MC's Zenny-Poo~! Anyways it was short, but i wanted to publish something before the horrible Monday tmrw...

Love you all so much! Thanks for all the upvotes and comments, byeeeeeeeeee!


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