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For the first time in a long time, I woke up with a smile on my face. I felt warm and cosy, like I was in a tub of melted chocolate. My eyes fluttered open to be greeted with a bare, tanned chest.

I shot up but stopped short when a heavy arm around my waist tightened its grip on me. My head whipped to the side and I was greeted with Zach's beautiful face.

He looked so peaceful when he was sleeping. His lips were slightly parted, releasing soft snores and his long, dark eyelashes were shadowing his cheeks. I savored the slumbering sight of him. My gaze trailed over the taught muscles of his chest and the valley of his abdomen.

His hair was pulled over his forehead and I unintentionally reached over to push the hair back. He groaned, pulling me back into his chest.

His eyes snapped open and a lazy smile graced his face. "My sexy button, how are you this fine evening?" I glanced over at the clock and laughed. "Evening? It's six o' clock in the morning you nutcase."

He groaned, flipping me over so he was on top of me, causing my breath to hitch. "Five more minutes." He shoved his face in between my breasts and I yelped, pushing at his head. "Gross! Get off me! You're in between my boobs!"

"But it's so cosy!" He argued, shaking his head. I pulled at his hair. "Get up Zach!"

His head snapped up and he smirked. "So you're into the whole kinky shit." He winked.

"Mm... yeah. I like the whole whipping and spanking, don't tell anyone, but it's hot." I breathed out, fanning my face lightly.

He stared at me in shock, his eyes wide and his jaw slack. I tipped my head back and burst out laughing. "Just kidding bro, chill."

He glared at me, slightly lifting me up and lightly spanking my ass. "What the actual chicken nuggets from casper the friendly ghost! Did you just spank me?!" I yelled, flicking his forehead multiple times.

"Chicken nuggets from casper the friendly ghost?" He questioned, frowning adorably. "Uh... I tend to say weird things when I'm like scared, nervous or shocked."

He smirked, moving his face an inch closer to me. He breathed on my face and my eyes widened. "When did you brush your teeth?" I asked, taking in the minty scent.

He shurgged. "I've just never had morning breath."

"Lucky little-" I glared, stopping myself before cursing.

He laughed out loud. "You do though."

My face heated up in embarrassment and I quickly covered my mouth. He removed my hands from my mouth and grinned. "I honestly don't care, it's not even bad."

"Why don't you ever swear?" He asked, smirking.

"Because it's not professional and when-"

He cut me off. "Oh blah blah. All that bullshit."

I flicked his forehead causing him to chuckle. "From now on, you're not allowed to swear."

He raised an eyebrow in challenge. "And if I do?"

"Then you're going to get one heck of a butt whooping."

He smirked again. "So you really are into that BDSM shit."

I flicked his forehead. "Stop swearing."

He groaned. "So I can't even fucking say shit now."

I flicked his forehead twice. "Ow! That actually fucking hurt."

Once Upon A Rush #3 (A Zachery Johnson Story) Where stories live. Discover now