Imagine One - New Years Resolutions {Denny Duquette}

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Character- Denny Duquette
Show- Grey's Anatomy
Prompt - Imagine spending New Years Eve with Denny in the hospital
Warnings- Nothing but pure Denny fluff!😍


It was currently 11:55, visiting hours were over but due to being super close with the doctors and knowing them for a very long time, they allowed you to stay with Denny overnight.

"Do you have a New Years resolution?" Denny asks from his hospital bed. You sat next to him, starring down at the game of scrabble that sat in the middle of you two.

You and Denny had been very good friends for as long as you could remember. You had met one night at a bar and instantly connected. You were there for him when he first found out he was sick, to when he up and left his family in the middle of the night because he "didn't want them to see him die"..... he tried to leave without you knowing, which hurt your feelings but you got over it.

You weren't gonna lie, you had huge feelings for Denny. He was without a doubt the sweetest most charming guy you had ever met. His gentle flirting and holding doors open for you always melted your heart. You were way to shy to admit your feelings, and also afraid that it would ruin a great friendship.

"I don't know, maybe eat healthier?" You answered, shrugging your shoulders.

"Come on!! That's so cliché! Plus, you're already healthy" he protested jokingly and playfully pokes your stomach.

"Hush Denny" you giggle and swat his hand away. "It's your turn"

"I'm winning" he states and smiles his cute signature smile that shows off his perfect teeth and dimples, making a zoo erupt in your stomach.

"What about you? Any resolutions for Mr. 'I need a new organ'?" You laugh, making sure he knew you were only joking.

"Oh I see how it is, and yes actually... but for that, I'm not telling you" he states and crosses his arms like a child.

"That's ok, I didn't want to know" you smile and place tiles on the board spelling out 'mound'

"I didn't know we were playing dirty scrabble" Denny smirks.

"You dirty man... mound as in a mound of dirt" you laugh, blushing slightly.

"I'll tell you my resolution if you make yours better" he promises

"What's wrong with mine!?" You huff, playfully glaring at him.

"Oh Please! It's so unoriginal!"

"It's a good one!"

"Nope... not good enough"

You growl and shake your head, this man was something else but you wouldn't trade him for the world. He kept your life interesting. "Fine.... my new resolution is to spend more time with my best friend" you say, raising your eyebrows, as if asking if that was good enough.

"Eh... it's ok.. I'll accept it" Denny says smirking at you.

"Ok, what's your grand resolution then?" You say sarcastically.

"I am going to tell the woman I love that I love her" he says proudly.

You tried not to let your smile falter. Girl he loves? You were his best friend.. you thought he told you everything? He didn't tell you about a girl?

"Woman you love?" You question confused.

The whole time Denny was staring at your smiling, like he couldn't see how much his words had broke you.

"Hey, it's 11:59" he announces, changing the subject, and points to the small tv in his room which was set to Dick Clark's New Years Rockin' Eve.

You chose to ignore the subject, knowing talking about it would only make you sadder.

As the timer got down to 10, the ball began to drop.

Denny counted down playfully, and nudged you with his elbow. You laughed and counted down with him.

The ball dropped as the clock struck 12 and all the couples in New York turned to kiss their loved ones, people cheered, and confetti flew everywhere as people around the world welcomed the new year.

You felt fingers on your chin and your face was turned to Denny. Before you could question him, he leaned forward and pressed his lips tightly to yours. You froze, not expecting the kiss at all! Before Denny could put away, you came to your senses and kissed him back with equal force. His lips were soft and sweet, everything you imagined them to be.

After a minute, Denny pulled away slowly. Only to where his lips where barely touching, he smiled "I love you" he whispers softly.

And suddenly, it made sense. When he said his New Years resolution was to tell the woman he loved that he loves her. It was you. He loved you. You couldn't be happier, you were speechless. This man was absolutely perfect and he wanted you.

You smiled brightly, tears brimming your eyes. "I love you too Denny Duquette" you whispered back.

You noticed his eyes tear up as well before crashing his lips back onto yours. You sighed happily.

This year was already off to a great start.

You heard whistles from the door of his room which made you two break apart.

At the door stood Dr. Burke, Meredith, and George. "I so called it!" George laughed.

"About time y/n" Meredith smiled at you, causing you to blush.

"Alright let's leave them alone" Dr. Burke said, ushering Meredith and George away. "Happy New Years you two" he added, walking away.

You turned back to Denny who was just staring at you with a loving smile. "Happy New Years" he whispers.

"It is a very happy New Years" you giggle and lean over to kiss him again.

Jeffrey Dean Morgan/ Character Imagines Where stories live. Discover now