Imagine Five - Loss {Negan}

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Character: Negan
Show: The Walking Dead
Warnings: Miscarriage, blood, Negan language.
Prompt: You and Negan were expecting a baby when things took a drastic turn, leaving you and Negan devastated.

Sadness was all that filled your body when the doctor told you the tragic news.

You had a miscarriage.

You woke up this morning with immense pain in your stomach. Negan wasn't there to help, and you had to waddle in pain to the doctor, only to find a bunch of blood.

He gave you some medication that would help with the pain and sent you back to yours and Negans room. As you lie in bed, you tried to think of the way to break the news to Negan, knowing he was excited.

Hell, he even left his other wives for you in the baby.. you remember the day he told you.

Negan slammed the door to your room, causing you to yelp in fright. "Negan what the hell!" You yelled at him.

"Fuck woman!" He yelled and paced the room.

"What is is Negan?" You asked, walking up to him.

He stopped pacing and looked at you "what are you doing to me?" He mumbled.

You raised your eyebrows in confusion, waiting for him to explain.

"I just left my other fucking wives for you! What the fuck are you doing to me?" He shouted again, also confused with his own emotions.

"W-what? Really?" You asked shocked, but also slightly happy, that meant he was all yours now and you didn't have to share him.

"Yes" he grumbled. "How are you feeling?" He asked right after, wanting to change the subject.

"I'm fine" you smiled and grabbed his hands, placing them on your baby bump.

His grimace immediately changed into a small smile when he felt a small kick. He got to his knees, even with your stomach and softly rubbed the area. "Hi baby girl" he whispered and pressed a kiss to your stomach.

"Negan.. we've been over this, it could be a boy" you laughed.

He smirked, "I just have a feeling... come on.. let's lay down.. it's been a rough day"

That was the day your guys relationship made a turn for the better. He remained loyal, and would also sneak baby items on runs, not wanting to let down his tough guy image.

The door know turned and you wiped your eyes, trying to hide any evidence of crying. You couldn't help but blame yourself for losing the baby.

Negan came in, dropped Lucille by the door, and made his way over to you.

"How's my girls doing today" he smiled and sat next to you.

After hearing that, you immediately break down into tears. You couldn't help it. You lost his baby.

"Hey hey, what's this?" He asks, moving closer to you and pulling you into his arms. "What's wrong?"

You shook your head, unable to form the words to tell him.

His fingers pulled your chin up, so he could look you in the eyes.

His eyes held concern and worry, yours held sadness and sorrow.

"Baby did someone hurt you? I swear I'll fucking kill em" he mumbled, wiping a tear away with his thumb.

You shake your head "no" you managed to mumble.

"Then tell me y/n.. I can't help you if I don't know what's wrong" he says and places a hand on your stomach.

That's when another loud sob broke out from you. "I'm sorry!" You cry, clinging to his arms in fear he'll leave you.

"Is.. is the baby ok?" He asks, placing the pieces together.

"I don't know w-what happened Negan.. I'm sorry" you cried.

Negans hand brushed his face as he tried to keep himself composed. He stood up, having to pace the room as the need to let his emotions out became to much. He was excited to have his own daughter. To be needed and loved no matter what. Someone he could teach to become a fearless leader like himself. A princess to his kingdom.

He always wanted a kid but him and Lucille never had any luck. Now he thought he would finally get a chance. He knows he didn't deserve it but taking an innocent baby? What kind of payback is that?

"Negan I'm so sorry" you cry, hoping he wasn't mad at you.

He stops and looks at you, the first thing you noticed were his glossy eyes.

He took a shaky breath before coming before you and getting on his knees as you sat on the edge of the bed.

He reached up and grabbed your hands and kissed the top of your knuckles. "It's ok... it's not your fault.. things happen for fucked up reasons that I can't understand but it was nowhere near your fault baby... we're gonna get through this together. I promise you're not alone" he assures you and leans up to place a kiss on your forehead.

You break into tears again and he moves to sit on the bed and pulls you into his chest, clinging tightly to you. For the rest of the night he whispers sweet nothings into your ear until the both of you fall into a dreamless sleep.


Please please request!! And please please comment! The only reason I write is because you guys inspire me and without inspiration I don't feel the need to write!

Jeffrey Dean Morgan/ Character Imagines Where stories live. Discover now