Imagine Four - Monster {Negan}

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Character: Negan
Show: The Walking Dead
Warnings: death, strong language (it's Negan)
Prompt: Negan having to put down your best friend... ((this is Negan before the saviors))

Your legs burned as you ran non stop. It was you, your boyfriend Negan, and your best friend (y/f/n).

You had ran into a problem with the walkers when you were raiding a supermarket. No one was on watch and they had snuck up on you.

"Fucking Keep up y/n!" Negan shouted, lowering his pace so he was beside you and grabbed your arm, pulling you faster.

"Negan I can't" you pant... it was no lie you were out of shape... sleeping all day and watching tv before the world ended wasn't exactly the best exercise routine

"Yes you can baby, just a little further" he coaxed.

You nodded your head and picked up your pace.

"Hey! Look!" Y/f/n said pointing to a large loft that was high enough in the air to be safe from the walkers.

"Let's go!" Negan shouts, sprinting towards it.

Once you guys reached it, Negan made you climb first, after you was y/f/n, and then lastly Negan. You didn't look down, due to your dislike to heights.

When you reached the platform, you collapsed and layer on your stomach, trying to catch your breath.
Y/f/n did the same.

"Y'all need to go fucking running more" Negan jokes, sitting next to you, only slightly out of breath.

"Sorry we're not perfectly fit like some people" y/f/n groans. You chuckle slightly.

"If we stay hidden I think they'll leave sooner or later" you say, sitting up after finally catching your breath.

"Hopefully" y/f/n mutters slightly, something seemed off about her though. You shook it off, you had just went on a 2 mile sprint.


It had been two hours up on the loft and y/f/n had broken into a sweat.

"Y/f/n.... are you ok?" You ask cautiously

"Yeah yeah I'm fine.. why wouldn't I be? I'm good" she assures with a shaky voice.

"You look like fucking shit" Negan bellows, earning him an elbow to the ribs from you. "Hey! Fuck! I was just being honest" he whines.

"Y/f/n seriously what's the matter" you ask again, moving closer to her.

She sighs and lowers her eyes, shamefully almost. "Something happened back at the supermarket" she mumbled.

"What?" You ask

Your friend sighs and pushes her shirt to the side, revealing a gruesome bite mark.

You stumbled back in disbelief. You had to be seeing things... this was your best friend. You two did everything together before the world went to shit. She was there with food and ice cream when mean boys broke your heart and she was the one who went with you on 2am drives to no where. She was like your sister.

"No" you mumbled, your eyes filling with tears. "No" you repeated, staring with teary eyes at your friend.

"I'm so sorry" she mumbles, tears also gathering in her eyes. "Stay strong for me y/n"

Jeffrey Dean Morgan/ Character Imagines Where stories live. Discover now