Imagine Three- Apartment {Max}

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Character: Max
Movie: The Resident
Prompt: imagine meeting your new landlord, who turns out to be very very attractive.
Warnings: none

Nobody ever mentioned how hard it is to find a nice, reasonably priced apartment.

I found a cheap one, but it was very trashy and had loud, obnoxious neighbors.

I found a beautiful one, but way too expensive.

Currently, I stood in front of a billboard with a list of lost dogs, cars for sale, and apartment listings. I had already looked at all of them, and none of them were up to my expectations.

Sighing in defeat, I rub my temple with my fingers to relive the stress feeling that built up.

"What are you looking for?" A male voice asks beside me suddenly, causing me to jump.
"Sorry, didn't mean to scare you" he added, laughing slightly.

I looked beside me at the man, he had dark brown hair with a salt and pepper colored beard. A very nice smile and dimples accompanied his look, making him a rugged type of handsome.

"Apartments" I sighed.

"Oh? Well I know of a place down the street.. it's nice and not too expensive" the man chirps, fidgeting with his keychain.

"Really?" I asked surprised.

"Uh yeah haha, here, I'll give you a number to call" the man says politely and rips a piece of empty paper off the billboard and scribbles a phone number onto it, handing it to me.

"Thank you...." I drew off, waiting for the man to tell me his name.

"Max" he told me.

"Thank you Max" I told him sincerely.

"You're welcome...?"


"That's a nice name" he smiles. "Anyways, I'll see you around hopefully" he finishes with a smile and turns and walks away

I look down at the paper with the number and smile. I hope this apartment is as good as he claims.


I approached the building with the address I was looking for. It was a nice looking building in my opinion.

I clicked on the buzzer, waiting to be let in.
Once, I was buzzed in, I walked inside and headed straight for the elevators which I noticed had an antique style to them

I made it upstairs and followed the noise I heard that sounded like someone working.

Upon finding the room that had the source of the noise I slowly stepped in, cautious of the plastic wrap hanging off the walls and covering the flooring. "Hello?" I called out, slowing moving further into the room.

No one answered, I assumed they couldn't hear me over the loud machine.

"Hello?" I called again louder this time.

I walked into a room that I assumed would be a living room. A man was on his knees, sanding away at the floor. "Excuse me?" I asked, noticing he still hadn't felt my presence.

The man stopped his machine, looking up at me. I smiled politely at him, "I um, called about an apartment?" I stated though it sounded more like a question.

"It's not ready yet" the mans voice was muffled through his mask.

"Oh.. um.. well can I see it?" I asked timidly.

The man stood up and took his mask off, only to reveal the same familiar face that had given me the number to this place. "Max?!" I asked smiling.

"Hey Y/n" he smiled back, his dimples showing.

"A-are you the owner?" I stuttered. I would've never guessed.

"Yes" he smiled.

"Well.. it must've been my lucky day" I told him , not able to peel my eyes from his. His brown eyes that told his emotions so easily. I could see his smile met his eyes.

"This is it.. this is the apartment" he said, gesturing his arms towards the empty space.

"O-oh wow... I.. I can't afford this.. it's beautiful" I stutter looking around the beautiful apartment. It was quite large, and had a beautiful view.

"It's $3,800" Max said, laughing once he saw my shocked expression.

"What's the catch? This apartment is amazing... is it haunted?" I laughed.

Max shook his head and smiled at me, "No, no catch... I prefer no pets though"

"They're too much work anyways" I joke

Max chuckles "ok, I'll need your social security number and three references"

"You got it.... thank you for showing me this apartment Max" I told him sincerely. My struggle to find a good apartment had been a difficult task.

"No problem" he smiled and handed me a small silver key.

I just stared at it in almost shock. He didn't even check my references.

"It's a key not a bomb" Max jokes.

"I'm sorry" I laughed nervously. "Thank you so much"

"It's my pleasure, really" he insisted. "I better get back to work so you can move in as soon as possible" he put his mask back on, giving me one last smile.

His smile made me giddy on the inside and I hoped I would get to see much more of him


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