Imagine Two - Fire {Patrick Sullivan}

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Character- Patrick Sullivan
Movie- The Accidental Husband
Prompt- Imagine being saved from a house fire by Patrick
Warnings: none

Smoke. That's all you could see. A thick layer of black smoke that filled your lungs, making you cough.

You clung to the walls of your offices bathroom. You don't know what had happened, only that there was a fire, and you were trapped in the burning building.

"Help!" You screamed, only to burst into a fit of coughs. "Please!" You begged.

It was getting harder to breathe and no one was responding to your screams. You fell against the wall and slid down, hugging your knees to your chest as tears slid down your face. You didn't want to die... this couldn't be it. You still had so much to do.

"Is anyone still in here?" You hear a male voice faintly shout.

Your ears perked at the sound. And if you were a dog they'd be standing straight up.

"Hello?!" The voice shouts.

"Help!" You try to yell out but almost nothing comes out. Your voice was almost gone from the constant screaming.

"Anyone up here?" The voice shouts, closer.

"Yes! Please!" You beg.

"Come on Sullivan, no ones here.. this buildings gonna collapse at any minute" a different voice instructs.

You panicked. "No! Please" you shout but it didn't work.

Quickly thinking of a plan, you started banging on the wall, hoping to get their attention but also hoping to not knock the weakened wall down.

"Hey, did you hear that?" The first voice she originally heard yelled, she's assuming that's the man by the name Sullivan.

"No... come on let's go" the second voice commands

"No man, we gotta check the bathroom" Sullivan pleads.

"This buildings gonna collapse.. were leaving"

"You go then, I'm gonna check"

"Patrick we need to go now! I'm not having your blood on my hands" second voice yells.

"I'm not leaving till I check! Whether you approve or not.. now either cover me or leave!" Patrick Sullivan yells and turns to make his way towards the ladies bathroom door.

You heard foot steps coming towards you and your heart rate quickened. You were gonna be saved.

The door opened but you could barely see anything because of all the smoke. "Is anyone in here?" The man hollered from the door.

"Help me!" You whimpered.

The man rushed into the bathroom and you were finally able to see the man dressed in the firefighter suite and you couldn't be happier.

But, on the outside, your body was physically exhausted. You tried to stand up but your legs failed you and you collapsed to the floor.

"Take it easy miss" Patrick instructs you.

You couldn't see his face due to the mask he wore.

You broke into a fit of coughing and that's when Patrick took of his mask and put it on you, allowing you to breath some much needed oxygen.

You were able to get a quick look at his face, you couldn't help but notice he was ruggedly handsome. But you couldn't focus on it for too long.

As you were taking breaths, the building shifted and you squealed, clinging onto Patrick.

"Ok, let's get you out of here" he insists and you start to hand him his mask back but he shakes his head. "No, you need it"

His stood up with you in his arms, carrying you bridal style. One of your hands held the mask in place while the other was around Patrick's neck.

Your eyelids started to get heavy as the Adrenaline wore off.

"Hey! Hey sweetheart keep your eyes open for me" he shouted at you. His voice was like an angels to you. You already felt safe in his arms. Safe enough to drift off into unconsciousness.

"Hey! No!" You heard him shout before everything faded away


You slowly opened your eyes, a bright white light blinded you, making you blink several times to adjust.

The constant beeping of a machine caused you to turn your head to the side where you saw a heart monitor. It was then, you noticed the IV in your arm, the hospital bed you were laying in, and ........ the man sitting beside your bed?

You didn't recognize him at first... his head was tilted and his mouth was slightly agape as he was dosed off in the uncomfortable chair.

He had fluffy brown hair and some facial hair.. he was utterly handsome.

It was then you remembered him as the man who saved your life last night. Why would he stay? Wasn't that his job to save people.

Suddenly, the door to your room open and a nurse walked in, smiling at you when she noticed you were awake. "Good! You're awake! How are you feeling?" She asks politely, pulling out a clipboard and updating your chart.

"Good" you said hoarsely, your throat burned as you spoke.

"Sore?" She asks, nodding towards your throat.

You nod your head 'yes' and she writes a note on the paper.

Soon after she checks your vitals she leaves, promising to bring a glass of water.

The man shifts in his seat and slowly, his eyes open. You couldn't remember his name though.

"Hey" he smiles slightly, "you're awake" he mumbles, in a sleepy voice that could make anyone melt.

"I am" you smile at him, noticing his dimples and beautiful smile. It should be a crime to be as beautiful as him.

"I'm glad, you scared me for a minute" he told you and sat up, scooting closer to the hospital bed.

"Really?" You ask

"Yea, I don't know what it was but something pulled me to that bathroom you were in. When I walked in and heard you, then saw this beautiful woman covered with ashes and coughing up a lung, my heart grew heavy. I don't know, something about you made me attached to you.... I'd like to get to know you, if that's ok with you?" He says truthfully, giving you a knee weakening smile.

"Me?" You asks, mentally slapping yourself

"Of course you" he chuckles.

You smile back, maybe the fire wasn't such a bad thing. "I'd love for you to get to know me better"

Jeffrey Dean Morgan/ Character Imagines Where stories live. Discover now