Imagine Eight - The Truth Behind Negan {Negan}

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Imagine: Negan's close relationship towards the reader and her death makes him the Negan we know in the show.

Warnings: death, angst, gore, language


Third person POV

Negan awakes abruptly from a nightmare. It was the same nightmare.. the one where you died. He replays the scene in his head, like God is taunting him for not being able to save you.

It's harsh. It's unfair. And it makes Negan's blood boil. So much so the only way to make it feel any better is to kill. Y/n would be disappointed but you weren't  there anymore.

"You can't go out there y/n... there's too many" Negan pleaded with y/n.. his eyes staring at yours with worry laced in them.

"And we can't stay here either Negan.. if I go down I want to go down fighting" you replied to him, placing your hand on his shoulder and squeezing.

You were his best friend. You were always there for him. Through everything. Even Lucille.

"Fucking fuck ok... stay near me" Negan told you, taking the first step out of the grocery store they were cornered in by the walkers.

At the first walker Negan stabbed a knife in between its eyes and saw y/n beside him fighting just as hard.

But it all happened in a split second. You slipped and a walker fell on you, Negan tried to get to you but was fighting with another walker. The loud scream that left your lips haunts his memory everyday.

"No!!" Negan screamed and went into some sort of superhuman beast mode, taking down every single walker before turned to you and stabbing the walker that had bit you more than what was necessary.

"Y/n!" He choked out. Falling to his knees and placing his hands on the bleeding wound on your neck.

"You'll be ok" you choked out through the blood that was filling your mouth. "You were made for this type of shit"

"Don't! Dont you dare fucking leave me!" He screamed, angry at everything.

"I'll tell Lu you said hi" you smiled the best you could, trying to assure your best friend you would be ok. "We'll watch over you"

"No" Negan yelled but it was interrupted with a sob. "Don't.. not you too"

"I love you Negan" was the final words that left your lips as you took your last breath.

Negan let out a disgruntled cry before standing up and smashing everything in his sight well yelling every curse word in the book.

He paused and looked down at your dead body.. he knew what needed to be done. He wasn't going to leave you like he left Lucille. He wasn't going to be weak like that again. You deserved better. Lucille deserved better too but he can't make that mistake twice.

"Fucking hell" Negan mumbled standing up from his bed. He hardly got any sleep anymore.

But from that day forth, he never cared about anyone again... fearing that his love was a death sacrifice to that person.

Jeffrey Dean Morgan/ Character Imagines Where stories live. Discover now