Words left to late (?)

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I guess that I left it to late, I never told him how I felt about him, I wanted to, I really wanted to. But I was afraid.

Afraid of rejection, afraid that he would not love me back, that would hurt so much because I do love him so much and I have for a long time.

I told myself that he did not love me back, we were just friends and that was all that there would be between us, I convinced myself off this.

But I was wrong, I did wrong. I never realized how much I did love you until it was to late, the world ripped you away from me in just a few minutes.

Josh was with me when I found out what had happened, you never woke up again after that, I don't know if I can cope.

I 've never cried so hard, I could not catch my breath, I could not see out off my eyes, I don't think I have ever cried so hard.

There has not gone a day that I've not cried over you, I just miss you so much.

I don't understand why you did this, I want to understand why this happened, I thought you were happy.

but I guess you were battling some inner demons that no one knew about, you never told me that you were feeling this way.

I wish I had known that there was something like this bothering you, I could have helped you, I could have been there for you.

But I can't blame you, you have always felt like an outcast, we did try our hardest to make you believe that you were not.

but once you got into a certain mindset it was very hard to brake you out off that. Because you never believe the good things that are said about you.

You always believe the bad things, they play hard on your mind and soul, I had no idea how hard they actually did.

I don't know what I'm supposed to do now, I miss you so much, I still love you with all my heart.

All that I want is to see your face, I want to see you smile and laugh, your laugh was so precious, I just miss it so much, I never thought a loss could hurt this much.

Everyone tells me that losing someone you love is the hardest thing, but I never really believed that, I do now.

I don't even understand how I'm going to survive this, to be honest I don't want to keep going, I want to go with you.

The guys are keeping an close eye on me, I understand that, I've been like a ghost around here.

I tried to tell myself that everything happens for a reason, but that is just bullshit, I can't see anything good that will come out off this.

I miss you and I love you so much, I will never forget you and I never want to forget you, you were so precious to all off us.

I don't understand why you did this, you just locked yourself in your bathroom and took some pills. 

We are all heartbroken that we did not find you sooner, you were taken to the hospital, they tired to save you but it was to late. 

You were already gone.

You passed away.

23:47pm on the 23th of June. I can't get that time out off my head, it haunts me. I see these numbers everywhere. 

It has only been a two weeks since and I have not uploaded at all, I can't do it, I can't be on camera, I don't want to, I only want to see you.

I am coming to see you, I've made my mind up. I just hope the other guys forgive me for what I'm about to do.

I will see you on the other side Harry.

Love Vikk. 

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