Clumsy (Wroetofreezy)

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Harry was a clutch and no one knew that better than himself, he was always hurting himself in stupid ways, ways that could easily be avoided if he had just paid a little bit off attention to what he was doing. 

Harry was just making himself something to eat, he only had to do one thing and that was to get the bowl, but somehow that part was the hardest one, as he lost the grib he had on the bowl and it came down on to the counter top and smashed, going all over the floor

"shit" Harry just mutterd as he stood there, broken peaces off the bowl all around him, he jumped out off the mess that he had made and got himself a broom, he hoped that he had not woken up his boyfriend that was still sleeping, he could do this himself, this was nothing big, just a couple off broken piece's off glass, he swept it up quickly, and threw the broken glass into the bin, then as he took a step back, he felt something go right inside his foot. 

"fucking hell" Harry muttered under his breath as he jumped to the sofa to take a look at the damage, this was probably just a small piece, nothing to worry about 

"well fuck" Harry muttered again as he saw the glass that was in his foot, it was about 4cm wide and it had made a pretty nasty cut under his foot, and it was bleeding quite a bit, he would have to wake up Cal now, he would have to get a doctor to take it out, he was not sure if he could do it himself, as as he would probably need to get some stitches it would be better to just go strait to the hospital and not attempt anything stupid like pulling the glass out. 

"Cal" Harry whispered as he hopped into there room, shaking his boyfriend lightly to wake him up


"can you drive me to the hospital real quick?" Harry asked as if nothing in the world was more casual


"I said-"

"I heard what you said, what did you do now, where did you hurt yourself now, and what did you do"

"I broke a bowl"

"and what?"

"and I stepped on a broken piece, and it's under my foot, I'm kinda bleeding"

"let me take a look" Cal said as he stood up and made Harry sit down for a bit

"kinda bleeding, Harry" Cal said as he took a look under his boyfriend's foot and sure enough there was a piece off glass in there and there was a lot off blood. 

"come on then, but bring something that you can have under your foot in the car, I don't really want to clean up all the blood from my car later, and take a sock and shoe as well"

"can you clean up after me first, I don't want Cal or Sarah hurting themselves when they get here later, or having to clean it up"

"sure, just wait at the door" Cal said as he quickly cleaned up after his boyfriend and then he went to get his wallet, phone and car keys and put everything in his pocket. 

"can you help me?" Harry asked as they were getting ready to leave the flat, he did not want to risk hurting himself more, so he did not want to put pressure on the foot

"want me to carry you?" Cal joked as he laughed 

"actually yes" 

"fuck off Harry, I'm not carrying you down to the car"

"please Cal, it hurts" Harry moaned, to get his boyfriend to feel sorry for him

"you are lucky that I love you" Cal moaned out as he swiped Harry up and carried him out the door and down to the car where he helped his injured boyfriend inside and then put a plastic bag under his foot, so the blood would not get into his car, then they were off the the A&E, where they had to wait for a bit to get seen

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