Truth or dare (Minishaw)

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prompt by Sidemen_trashy

Changed it around a bit, but I hope you like it :) 


A game of Truth or dare can be dangerous when you have something to hide, Simon and Harry both knew this, but as everyone else were going to play, they agreed to play with them, anything else would make them look suspicious, and that was something that they did not want or need right now.

No one knew about them being a couple, and they did not want anyone to find out either, because this was new for them and they were not sure when it would be the best time to tell everyone. Also they were scared, Harry more so than Simon, he was not sure how to explain this to everyone, most off the Sidemen fandom believed that he had still had a girlfriend. 

Cal, Cal, Tobi and Ethan alongside the love birds were playing and it had started off quite well, Tobi had to tweet out that he had got a girl pregnant, Calfreezy had to run around the court yard in only his boxers, and Cal had to tell the story off his first time he had sex. It was all laughs and everyone was enjoying themselves. 

"Harry, truth or dare?" Callux asked


"Why did you and Katie really brake up" 

"I liked someone else" Harry said as he looked down, he did not want to get into this, not during a game, but he had chosen truth so this was the simple version off what had happened

"and are you planing on doing something about that"


"who is this mystery person" Cal then asked

"that was not the question that I was supposed to answer, so I'm not going to tell" Harry said awkwardly, avoiding looking over to where his boyfriend was sitting, he was afraid that he would make things to obvious, that was something that he was always worried about, someone catching him as he looked at Simon the way he had once looked at Katie, he had always had trouble with hiding his love for someone. 

A few more rounds and been played, Simon had to post a drunk video off him on twitter and Tobi had to tell them the story behind the first time he had been embarrassed by a girl, then Ethan had to text his girlfriend telling her that he had gotten drunk and had somehow ended up in Norway. Then it was Ethan's turn to 

"Cal I dare you to kiss the most attractive person in the room" Ethan laughed, expecting that he would go strait over to Simon, Simon was often thought off as the best looking one in the group and everyone was aware off that. But he went strait over to where Harry was sitting.

"really?" Harry asked in surprise as Cal got closer. 

"kiss me you fool" Cal said as Harry looked up in shock, he looked over to Simon who looked like he was angry, Harry did not want to kiss Cal either, but he also did not want to give anything away. 

"come on then, Harry kiss me" Cal said as he was in front off the younger boy, who looked unsure and he did not want to do this. 

"STOP" Simon then yelled out, and Harry let out a deep breath that he did not know that he had been holding, he was so glad that Simon had said something, until he came to the conclusion  that now they might have to tell everyone there secret. 

"why not?" Cal asked confused 

"because I am the only one allowed to kiss him"

"what the fuck Simon" Ethan asked, everyone were just staring at Simon and Harry had gone bright red, what was Simon going to say, what would happen now, everything was just running trough his head and he just wanted to get out off there so badly. 

"me and Simon are dating" Harry then admitted to everyone after what felt like 10 minutes off silence. 

"what? when? how long?" they got asked 

"for 4 months now" Simon said quietly,

"what, and we are only finding out now"

"yeah, we were not ready to tell everyone" Harry told them, he was still looking down on the floor, afraid to see the looks on everyone's faces. 

"well I'm happy for you" Cal then smiled as he hugged Harry close,

"thank you all" Harry said as he moved over to Simon's lap, he no longer had to flight the urge to do that in front off his friends, and he was happy that this was finally out. 

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