Find out (WroetoZerk)

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prompt by wiresandliars

I hope this is OK :) 

Dating the most popular boy in school was not to bad, or at least that was what Harry thought as he walked the halls off the school, the bullies left him alone and the popular bitchy girls left him alone to, all because he was dating someone important, and that person was Josh Bradley,

It had been an interesting couple off weeks that lead to the outing off Harry and Josh, because they did not want to make it public strait away that they were dating, but the incident as both boys called it had given them away, because Josh had decided to be the knight in shining armor.


You see, Harry used to be bullied, and not just some off the time, all off the time, he hated school and he hated everyone there, there was not one hour that he was just left alone when he was at school, someone his books always went missing, or his pens when he was sitting at his desk and then everyone laughed as he got confused and went looking for it, often just giving up and getting himself a new one.

That was not all, he often got pushed or tripped in the halls and the cafeteria, he never really got to eat in peace if he was there, there was always someone that was throwing stuff at him, or pouring something over him by "accident"

But the only thing that Harry did not hate about the school was Josh, Josh was the only one that was nice to him, often just wrapping the younger boy into a giant hug, just to comfort him as he cried into the older boys chest.

"you are gonna be fine, you are strong and you are beautiful"

"I don't understand why they cant just leave me alone, I don't understand what I did to them to make them hate me so much"

"I'm sure they don't hate you, some people are just easy targets" Josh tried to comfort him

"what makes me an easy target?"

"I wish I could tell you babe, I wish I knew" Josh told him as they both sat in the janitors closet, holding on to one another.

"I'll go first, and then you come out later" Harry sniffled as class was about to start and he had to walk quite far to get to his lesson.

"NOW WHAT DO WE HAVE HERE" Cal and Simon the school bullies yelled over as Harry tried to hurry down the hall, unfortunatly they were also Josh's friends and that made things very complicated.

"LEWIS, turn around and get over here now" Cal yelled as Harry kept going

"HEY LEWIS, WE ARE TALKING TO YOU" Simon yelled after him as they ran up to him and shoved him into the lockers.

"listen to us you little bitch, we said turn around" Cal said as he turned Harry around by force and pushed him again into the lockers.

"who were you with in the janitors closet?" Simon smirked at him

"no one" Harry whispered out

"liar, we know you are lying, don't even fucking try" Cal spat at him as he pushed him into the lockers again

"tell us who it is" Simon smirked again.

"no one" Harry said again

"Simon, what do we do to a liar, I can't seam to remember"

"I don't know, why don't we just do this as we try to refresh out memories" Simon smirked as he punched Harry in the stomach, and Cal soon followed by a punch to the face

"HEY STOP" someone just yelled at them, and Josh walked over

"Josh, just leave it be, we are just teaching this kid not to lie to us"

"what is he lying about"

"he was with someone in the janitors closet and we want to know who"

"do your really need to know" Josh said and both boys looked at each other and nodded, they did need to know

"you know something Josh?" Simon asked as he smiled, he would soon find out Harry's secret and get to beat him up at the same time.

"I do know"

"who is it then?" Cal asked

"me, and we are actually dating and if either one off you touches him again, I will personally kick your faces in" Josh said without a expression on his face, then he pushed Cal off Harry and lead him away, with everyone staring after them.

"you did not need to do that" Harry whispered as Josh helped him down the hall and into the bathroom

"I did, I cant stand around and watch this happen any longer, I love you"

"I love you to, and thank you" Harry smiled.

That was the last time that anyone tripped, hit or did anything to Harry Lewis, he was safe as long as he had Josh, and he was not planning on letting him go any time soon. 

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