(REWRITTEN) [1]-The Beginning. . .

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It is the year 220X. . .

It was the Golden Age of technological advances, and mankind had finally achieved their dreams. But like pioneers, there's always something new to discover. Humanity had passed the limiting boundaries that they had never thought to surpass, and now, they had to expand their horizons. Curious on solving the mysteries of the deep, vast pockets of darkness that is beyond the blue barriers of the skies: Space.

Mankind had always wondered, if there was life on a planet just like theirs. To think that there's another striving civilization that is also searching for something out there. Space is a wide sea of exploding stars and swirling comets, even though it's full of light, lifeforms are spread far apart and are very few.

However, as by some miracle had happened that day. . .

Extraterrestrial life has been discovered.

It was shocking indeed, the news spread like wildfire, it really was a brand new age. News channels and stations spewed out the words regarding this topic, people from all over the world went crazy, from jaw-dropping theories to teeth-clattering rumors. Movies about aliens were brought back to life and people gossiped non-stop about them. Stories and tales of extraterrestrial beings were being retold.

"Mom! Mom! I wanna know what you did today! Did you get to see aliens like in the movies?!"

"Haha! No dear, we're going to make a space station to meet them."

"Woah! Can I come? Can I? Pleaaase?! I promise to go to school! And do all my homework!!!"

"Hehe. Dear, I'm sorry, but you can't go... I'm not even sure if I am able to..."


"Oh dear, you have to go to school some day also. Now, now, don't cry Lil' Lily... I promise, I'll bring a space rock so you can add it to your collection on your shelf there!"

"R-Really?! Yay!! You're the best mom and rechurcher in the whole entire worrrrrrrrrrrld!!!"

"Hehe, I promise I'll come back with one, okay? Fun fact, it's re-SEARCHER, silly!"

Upon that ambitious proclamation, the news channels exploded. Humanity was about to make the next great step, and it was going to be their very first big step: making the first contact.

(NEWS : "We bring you breaking news, the new space exploration agency, NAZA, has declared to make contact with these aliens that had been recently discovered, this morning, they launched a space station in order to do so. They called it 'Peace' in an effort to enter into a friendly relationship. . ." )

Man's dream to find other intelligent life among the stars had finally been realized. To think that they were never going to do the impossible, they had released the space station - attempting to make the very first contact - humanity and an extraterrestrial being together. However, when there is a Golden Age, there must also be a Dark Age. A sad piece of news came to be after that. . .

(NEWS : "We bring you shocking news, this morning after the launch of the space station, the hope of man, Peace... According to NAZA and other various sources, has met with a mysterious accident, and it disappeared to whereabouts unknown. Continuing this dreadful, breaking news, during the very same morning, it has been confirmed that NAZA's most renown and incredible female scientist. . . . . . has died and passed away... The reports on cause of her death has not been given yet.")

". . . .Mom?. . . ."

Many people worked hard to find it, but the space station could not be found, and was forever lost in the deep pockets of space. All radio broadcasts, signals, or any forms of communication has been completely severed off. This devastated many, and when people thought it was never going down into a corkscrew of despair. . .

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