[2]-Val Ayaka, On The Air!

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"Ow..." Her head was spinning around endlessly, she felt like her whole body was dipped into a pool of fiery lava. "My head..." Val felt strange, she didn't even remember what happened.

'Was that just a few moments ago? Seconds? Minutes?!' She looked around, suddenly, a flash of blue appeared before her!

"Ah!" She flinched and tumbled backwards, resulting her to land on her bottom - rather quite harshly.

"Greetings..." A low voice echoed, it's tone gravelly and raspy. She stared at her legs for a moment, hesitant to look directly at whoever was speaking towards her.

Valerie took a gander at it, "W- who are you?!..." She stood on her feet once again. "Are... are you some kind of monster?..." Her eyes scanning this blue-red 'thing' floating before her.

"GRAH! I am not a monster you naive girl!" It took on a hostile tone, she took one step back. Val looked at the thing, she raised her fists, determined.

The levitating being's eyes were blood red, growls emitted from the back of it's throat; it seemed as if it was a volcano, waiting for a violent eruption.

One moment, it's expression changed. "Gahahaha!" It laughed, leaving her confused, but, she didn't put her fists down. "I was hoping for a human girl like you to run and scream! I'm impressed, kid."

Valerie refused to let down her guard for a second, she frowned, thinking it's a trick.

The fearsome beast let his clawed hands fall to his sides, eventually not growling anymore, and hunched over a bit more. "I am Chroma. These humans used my name as 'color' in some ancient language, I came from another planet - Planet FM. I believe you use the term 'alien' as a being from another world in outer space, correct?" The being responded unusually casually.

She finally puts her hands down, but still alert. "Yes, but... why did you come here? Specifically, why did you come to me?..." Val asked, clearly puzzled.

"I am being hunted down by others who are like me - EM Beings - other aliens. As for the other question in particular..." Chroma hummed, "Your...wavelengths match up with mine, little one."

"Please, don't call me that. Just... Val. I'm Val Ayaka." She introduced herself.

"My body is made out of electromagnetic waves, and thus, I cannot actually injure you. Even if I kinda wanted to. You can only see me, because we have matching wavelengths and I chose to let you see me. Though, you're unable to see these... 'Wave Roads' in the sky."

She looked skywards, surely, there was nothing but a dark canvas hanging overhead. However, when she squints, she sees these otherworldly, green transparent roads and orange paths all jumbled into one huge maze of messy lines.

"Do - Do you mean...those... green roads?..." She pointed to the one nearest to them. "It's so faint, I might actually mistaken it to be my imagination... And... I'm probably going insane. . ." She breathed.

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