[18]-Technical Difficulties

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Valerie sprinted with amazing energy, but she was just extremely worried about Sonia and that was all on her mind right now; her fatigue and soreness seems to have disappeared and was long forgotten.

'Whenever someone needs help, she just cannot ignore it... No matter how little a situation seems to be...' Chroma laughed. 'That is what Valor would do.' Even Geo was surprised about Val.

As soon as they reached the very top, she let go of his hand and was looking around with such energy, it was quite amazing... Usually, when he sees her, she was always appearing to be tired. Val would sleep if she finds an opportunity. Even when she stands, her slouching and constant yawning makes it look like she was one of the most worn out person on the planet.

"(Psst! Sonia! Are you here?)" Val whispered, scanning their surroundings.

"(Umm...)" Geo said. "(It's just me and Val... No one else.)"

They were both searching, 'hmm. Seems like someone decided to take the Pitcher machine after that...thing.' Val thought, noticing that the machine was long gone. 'Ugh, what're you doing?! Focus and stop getting off-track!' She scolded herself.

"(Over here!)" A voice called over from their left, near the train that was sitting alone and had plants growing on it. Peeking out from the shadows was her.

"A-Are you Sonia Strumm?..." Geo asked.

Sonia nodded.

"So, what are you planning to do with the concert thing?" Valerie questioned curiously. "Just going to suddenly leave your fans without a good-bye event of some kind?"

Sonia frowned sadly. "My manager should just cancel it already..."

"Val..." Geo turned to her, "you haven't really told me why..."

Sonia answered for her, "my manager just holds it for his own selfish reasons..." They all were standing beside the immobile train, Val gave Sonia her bag. "Thank you."

"Good thing that greedy guy didn't see your bag, or else...well, it wasn't gonna be pretty." Valerie stretched. "Anyway, did he see you?"

"No, hopefully never..." Sonia sighed deeply. "Please, do you two have any place where I can hide for the time being?... Somewhere no one will find me?.." She begged.

Another voice shouted, sounding angry and desperate. "Sonia!! Where are you?!"

They all looked around and lowered their tones, "(aw crud!)" Val cursed.

"(Oh, no! I can't let him find me!)"

They all quickly ran and used the train for cover, not long after, the manager in his tidy suit came by. He halted in his steps and looked around, grumbling bitterly under his breath. "Argh, where did she run off to?" He was sweating in panic. "If I cancel the concert, it'll be my neck... I'll have to find her no matter what..."

They all were watching in the shadows, Sonia was behind Valerie and Geo who were at the very front, keeping an eye on her manager. As soon as he left and descended down the stairs, Geo did a silence gesture and walked out of their hiding spot. He checked where the manager had gone.

"I think he's gone." He said.

Valerie came out and saw too. "Definitely." She blew a strand of hair out of her face.

Sonia finally released the breath she was holding, "please... Take me somewhere... Anywhere..." She gazed on her guitar. "I... I don't want to sing..."

Geo thought about it for a bit, Valerie only knew one place where she'd visit and hide. "I think this guy I know, Mr. Boreal..."

Val chimed in, "yeah! He can let you hide in his lab, he's at AMAKEN!"

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