[16](Pt.2)-See You On the Big Drum!

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"Umm... Valor..." Chroma started.

"Hm. Yeah?..." Valerie looked at her Transer.

"May I ask why as to what we're currently doing in front of this...foundation of sorts?" He asked curiously.

She had pulsed out after talking with MegaMan shortly after; for some reason, she stood in front of a store that is sitting next to the vending machines that she got her drinks from. "Oh, you mean right in front of us?" She stood right in front of the high-tech sliding doors. "This is Big Wave!" She suddenly beamed with a wide grin.

"Huh? Big...Wave? Why?"

The store wasn't those types of giant and tall ones that are commonly found in the city, instead, it was quite big, but not too big. It'd fit in a nice town like Echo Ridge; the big glowing pink fonts spelled out its name. Its roof and parts of the entire building was outlined in a nice glossy orange, the rest was mainly blue and see-through. The front of the store with the doors has it sprinkled with various, colorful battlecards that were neatly lined up upon the shelves inside.

She had a smirk like that of an impish child. "Don't you want to try new cards? It DOES get kinda boring using same ol' cards all the timeeee... Oh, and don't forget all these GroundWave1 cards that's stockpiling in my box here..." She hummed, catching his attention. "It's not like... we could, say, TRADE them..."

That piqued Chroma's interest as he suddenly shot his head up. "Ah... Trading for new weapons, you say? Bwahaha! What are we doing standing around here for?" He had a fanged smile.

"Shall we?" She gestured.

"We shall. Haha."

She entered through the doors, and it was soon a little chilled inside than the weather outside, well, it is a nice, recently-opened store with AC anyway. What she was met with was the spacious room, it was filled with many colors, boxes and shelves were completely filled with cards. There was also surf boards at one wall, for some reason, this place had a tropical theme to it. 'Well, whaddya expect from something called Big Wave? Hehe.' There's only a few people buzzing around, and they left, probably to save up for something huge.

One kid bumped into her and sent her to the floor, he didn't say anything except for Sonia's name in an energetic manner. He just left as quick as she saw him appear. "That's no way to treat someone like that, at least, from humans... I heard that it's rude to do that, especially towards ladies..."

She dusted her white jacket and her backpack, "(eh, I'm alright. I saw him earlier...but something was off about him...)"

Chroma queried. "Hm? How so?..."

"(Oh, umm.....)" She shrugged it off, "(no - nevermind. He must be a huge fan of her though...)" She readjusted her bear-eared headband.

"Hehe... Imagine if he saw you with your normal hair color..."

A tingle of fear ran up her spine and all the way to her shoulders, "(u-uh... P- please... Chroma, I don't want to re-remember that moment e-ever again...)" That kid in red would've trampled all over her. And including some other fans as well, 'I don't even remotely look ANYTHING like her!'

Sighing and wiping that terrible experience away (or a tiny bit of sweat), Valerie took her time and gazed around for a bit, staring at, well, everything.

"Ooh! A Tri-Trader Battlecard machine!" She approached the machine that stood at the corner next to the glass counter. "It's time to finally trade these cards for something better...hopefully..."

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