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Camilla's POV

So yesterday I kissed my boss. It's not that I liked him in any way to do it, I just had to make my point on what's real and what's not. I can't lie and say I have this sudden urge to bring out the real Justin. The kiss we had well.. I felt something. I'm not crushing on him, but I did feel something.

Anyways, I won't stop to bring out the real Justin. My new mission.. get rid of Kendrick and do it quickly.

I geared up as to me being a part of the team. Today was an important day in which I had to do something I never thought of even doing, kill not just some people, probably a lot of people. I can rank better than Veterans of 24k. Ive never got a hold of a gun and turns out I'm good.

"Camilla!" Kendrick yelled. "Let's go."

I got into one of our cars and just feared for my life. I can't stand taking someone life. If it's self defense then okay, but this is well planned out. Kendrick calls this self defense but it's a total different type. The gang type of self defense.

I looked over at Justin to see him looking outside the window like he was ready to murder the whole town.

"Justin.." I said trying to get his attention.

"No time for talking." He said not even looking at me.

"Actually, we have some time. I have a very special mission for you two. That is, if you complete this mission correctly Evans." Kendrick said and Justin looked at me for a millisecond and then towards Kendrick.

"That is?" He asked.

"You two are some of my youngest, yet strongest on this team." Kendrick started to say.

"No." I said immediately. I didn't like scams. I didn't like any of this.

"You don't have a choice. Contract." He smirked.

"You're going undercover for 3 days out in the city of Los Angeles. Word has it there's a new gang in town and they're making themselves known. Get any information you can on them. Word has it, they're young, and gullible. Especially for the ladies. That's where you come in. Justin you make sure nothing happens to her, she's going to have to steal some information because I wanna know what the hell they're doing in my city and to get the hell out." Kendrick said.

"Whatever." Justin said. Kendrick then grabbed Justin by the collar and said,"I'm you're leader, you don't speak to me like that. Whatever you got going on, get over it. I won't allow my apprentice to talk to me that way or I'll find a new one."

"Find a new one. You won't find one better than me." Justin said catching me by surprise and I could see Kendrick enraged in a matter of seconds. I swear he was going to hurt him so stood up to defend him. Keep in mind we're in a high armored car and we can stand up in the back.

"Get out of my way young lady or you'll regret it." He said inches away from my face.

"It's my fault. Don't blame him. He's never disrespected you." I said and I could feel Justin's eyes on me.

"What the hell did you d—." He said before the car flipped. Justin grabbed me as to him being held down by the seatbelt and me standing up. I could feel the car rolling and rolling until it stopped.

"Are you okay?" He asked and I nodded my head yes.

"What the hell just hit us Carlos?!" Kendrick yelled but there was no answer. Suddenly the back door had opened and Carlos our driver had been shot. Then out of no where someone appeared and we knew that they were onto us and our attack.

He aimed the gun towards my direction and before Justin or Kendrick could shoot him..

I did.

They both looked at me shocked but knew we had no time talk so we just busted out the back door of the truck and ran for cover. As we ran, we were getting shot at and I started panicking.

Kendrick was on the other side of the street and Justin was with me on the other side ducked away in an alley.

We called for back up but in the mean time we had to defend ourselves but I didn't want to.

"Why isn't Camilla shooting back?!" Kendrick said through the walkie.

"Camilla we're getting defeated! Help us out! I will kill you!" Kendrick said as I heard and I bursted into tears. I dropped the gun and surrendered to Kendrick.

"I can't do this. I can't shoot innocent people." I said.

"They aren't innocent! Get up!" Justin said in between shooting back at them.

"They didn't do anything to me! I refuse. I'm not defending myself." I said.

"You defended yourself in the truck now come on!" Justin said grabbing me. I pushed him so he'd let me go.

"No. I didn't want to!" I screamed back.

"You're gonna regret this little bitch, AH!" Kendrick said and we saw him go to the ground.

"Boss!" Justin said in the walkie. "Boss!"

"I'm fine. Shot to the shoulder, nothing I haven't felt before." He said in pain. Then our men came in and whoever we were after was gone. Justin looked at me with disappointment but I didn't care. This isn't who I am and want to be.

Little did I know, Kendrick had no mercy on me.

The moment we were all I the car, Kendrick looked at Gianni, one of his head men and said,"Lock her up in room Q, she doesn't come out until I say so. Until she learns her lesson. Give the bitch a taste of her own medicine. She got me shot."

I didn't know what it meant but if the other room was me getting tazed / electrocuted then I knew I was in for a beating.. and I was right because I didn't see Justin or anyone else for the next week.

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