s e v e n t e e n

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readers please be aware this gets dark
please seek help if you're feeling suicidal, or depressed
I wouldn't want to put anyone in a dark place but this is a dark fan fiction.
stay safe
                                                           author ❤️

Camilla's POV

It had now been a couple days since the whole Corban incident and I've been doing nothing but fight with Justin. I want to go home but home doesn't even feel like home anymore. I wasn't weak but I was just fed up. This isn't the life I chose. So why live it.

"Don't you understand I haven't been the same since you kidnapped me!" I screamed at Justin. He looked hurt for a second but knew it was true.

"I practically saved you! You lived a life with having no one." He said back and I knew he regret that last part.

"I had no one justin but I wasn't lonely. I was making a life for myself. I went back to living my old life and I felt lonely. I became part of your crew without asking! Cobras believe I'm part of you guys and I can't go back out because what happened will happen again! Again, and again. I don't want this life. I didn't want it in the first place." I said.

"We can protect you and hel—."

"Justin I don't need help. I don't need protection. I'm very capable of myself." I said.

"Not when a man touches you. You seem to freeze." He mumbles.

I was now inches away from Justin's face angry. "Let's have someone take every last piece of you away. Take your identify as a person because they invade your safe place. The only place you feel comfortable. Let's have someone BEAT and RAPE you Justin and tell me how you feel? Oh I forget your a man and you'd probably accept it. And no one can beat you because your not some girl." I say slamming the door and walking out. I leave the warehouse and start walking through the woods. Within the days I've been here I managed to find a cliff with a beautiful view of a lake.

I make my way towards the lake and sit on the edge frustrated. I wasn't even crying, just angry. I didn't know what to do. Justin wouldn't let me leave without protection or money to get out of the city. He offered to get me out the state. Men. I couldn't.

Justin had now caught up and sat down next to me. We just stayed how we were for a few minutes and then he sighed loudly on purpose causing me to shake my head and laugh.

"Can't you see I'm trying to protect you because I care.." He says looking me straight in the eye. I look back at him and then back at the lake.

"Justin I'm confused right now. I have no absolute idea what to do with myself. Being in my own skin disgust me. I feel like he's always touching me. And I can't take it. I have constant flashbacks or both of them. You could never understand that type of pain." I said seriously and he just grabs my hand and holds it.

"I'm sorry. I do understand though. In a different way, but I do." He says and I kept my eyes on him this time. There was no stopping me and I didn't know why I was about to do what I was about to but I did. I pull in closer to him and place my lips against his. He was definitely caught by surprise but pulled me into his lap allowing our lips to move in sync. Butterflies going everywhere. My heart felt so safe with him. It felt warm and I just felt at peace kissing him. I pull back and apologize as I get out of his lap.

He smiles and lets me rest my head on his with our hands interlocked. "I will always protect you Camilla. Don't you worry." He says and I believed him. I didn't know what I was doing but I knew I couldn't leave now. There was no need for me to leave. I love him and that's more than anything I've ever felt for anyone. No one has loved me and I'd hope he would come to love me one day as well.

His phone rang and he looked at me. I shook my head allowing him to go and he left back to the warehouse.

The night wind started to come in, and the sun started to set. All the negative thoughts came back in. I tried to block them out as I thought of Justin but the more I thought of him the darker my thoughts came.

No one has loved me, he will never love me. He is a gang member and I'm just being used to join his gang and it worked. I soon felt Kendrick and Cobras voice and hands over me like it was happening in the moment.

He told me he would haunt me and he did. I wasn't crying but the pain in my check was horrible. I felt like I couldn't breathe and suddenly I felt like I could easily fix the problem.

The water looked so fresh, so peaceful. No one will find me and if they do it'll be too late. I start walking down the mountain to a cliff edge. My ears heard someone in the background but I shut it off. I got closer to the edge and took the fresh air in. This was going to be it. All the pain, all the trauma, everything.. my life will just poof away in a second. A tear falls from my eye and I feel myself go for a second, my body just felt like a feather and then SLAM.

"What the hell are you doing!?" Just says him holding my body down to the ground. He picks me up and I don't hesitate to try and jump off again but he picks me up and pushes me up against a tree behind the cliff.

"What is your problem!?" He says trying to get me to talk again and I just cry on his shoulder. He holds me for a second and then picks me up. I didn't even care, but once we got back inside he put me in his room.

He lays me on his bed and just looks at me with his hands on his head. "I'm sorry." I say afraid of whatever he would say.

"I'm sorry because I'm gonna have to lock you in here." He says seriously. I look at him confused but more in a are you fucking kidding me serious?

"I have to handle other shit. I'm the leader now, and I just —."

"Can't deal with a suicidal piece of shit. Right." I said and he punches a wall making me flinch.

"I'm sorry Cam, but you'll thank me later. I'll be back in a day. I'll have them bring you food but I'm locking this door." He says and locks it as I run to unlock it. There was no point though. I was like rapunzel. Except there was no prince saving me, there's no happy ending. I was stuck in a life I didn't want and I didn't know how long I was going to be stuck here. How long Justin would treat me like this. I understand why but then I don't. Gang members don't have feels so why can't he just let me go. Sabrina did..

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