t w e n t y f o u r

63 2 0

Justin's POV

Gun shots were being fired left and right. My brain went everywhere when I noticed the new girl panicking. That's when Camilla stepped in but it wasn't good.

20 minutes before

"Babe." Cam says. "145 West" she says into her mic and everyone copies. I try to see what she's looking at and it was someone dressed as a bush. She could see them but they didn't know we could see them as everyone got out the cars. We all searched everywhere trying to figure out what was about to happen.

"Alright. Do what you gotta do." I say and Camilla's gun goes off. I look at her shook as she headshots him and he rolls down the mountain.

That's when everyone started coming out.

"Easy L.A crew. This is our town. Get the fuck out." I say seeing their leader head towards me.

Camilla aims her gun at him and their team aims at Cam.

"Steady girl." I say and she raises it down but they keep it aimed at her.

She throws a few signals behind her back without them noticing. Cam sets her assault rifle on the ground and with that she queued us. The moment she set it down she brings out her pistol and we all take cover.

Everyone is shooting left and right.

"Barb got hit. Shoulder. Taking cover in the van. Watch out for a sniper." Shawn says.

"Copy." I say popping off someone.

I look around to see Camilla gone and the new girl. I grunt in frustration as I can't seem to find two girls.

I start running between the road just praying to doge some bullets.

"Cover me." I say. I make my way to the top of the hill and that's when I see them.

Camilla's POV

"Where the hell do you think you're going?" I asked bluntly to the sniper. He tries to aim at me and turns around when he notices someone fall right behind him. Just to our luck it was new girl. She was furious and on the run but now she looked scared.

I take this time to run to him. As I run I knock out his gun out of his hand. That's when he brings out a knife and I back up. I back up and pull out my pistol showing I had max power. Or so I thought I did.

He picked her up at Aimee at her neck and I pull back the safety. "Bitch do something" I say.

She knocks him to his feet and I try to save her ass but she throws me right on to him. He throws my gun off the hill and I'm here fighting him with nothing but my hands. He had the advantage but I was pissed. I knew him to sunshine spot and run getting up going towards Deena.

"Stop running!" I turn her around and someone else comes as we are locked in between two people. One reaches for deena and I grab her only to get hurt. I look down and notice the two guys were now bleeding out.

"Was that worth it!" I say in slight pain as I feel my arm just bleeding away but the knife injury I just took.

Justin comes up and takes his shirt off and putting pressure on my hand. She then goes to Justin and tries to get comforted by him.

I looked at her like BITCH IM RIGHT HERE. But just got her off and someone else helped her to the car. If you haven't noticed now we just eliminated a shitty crew who thought they had something on us.

After we all figure out how we are getting home, I start helping crew members who had actually gotten shot. Everyone was stable enough but Sedona in pain.

At this point Justin was frustrated and I could see it in his eyes. He had been leader of 24K but something was missing. When Kendrick was here, they never got invaded the way we do now. In which, Justin calls a late night meeting.

"I want everyone up, wide awake. We need a new plan I need all of you." Justin says into the radio.

Copy. Everyone's heading to the couches.


We all hear into the radios. Everyone who was injured was going to the hospital while the other came to brainstorm. Justin wasn't happy and I didn't want to be near him when he wasn't happy.

We drove in silence for a good hour and I was taken back when Justin just sat in the driveway. I opened the door and he was still very concentrated in his own world.

"Justin." I say hopping out.

"Just go inside." He says and I slam the door. I rolled my eyes because he always gets like this when stuff gets hard. No one knew but I knew he'd been up sleepless nights just waiting to have something click and make him feel confident. I could easily say he wasn't confident and I think it was because of me.

Now that I have brought myself down I just sit as far away as I could in a corner as everyone gathered. I got a few "are you okay?" And I just nodded but in reality I wanted to cry. I felt like everything was my fault.

"I'm sorry." Deena says walking up to me and bringing me some cloth and bandages. She cleaned up my hand and fixed it. I didn't know why but I just let her as everyone talked in the meeting. She looked scared and I just smiled and said thank you.

"Do you really live like this? Guns and killing people?" She asked respectfully.

I looked at her and laughed," Justin chose me. I never would have chose this life but stuff happened before you got here. There's history and even though I had no one before, I wasn't lonely. But when I was set free, I was lonely and it was because of Justin. He made me feel safe and secure. So I just said yes and it was easy to adapt to everyone. Easy to train. Maybe it's because I always had it in me, or maybe this was just meant to be my life. I truly do feel like this is home, this is family. One I never had. If you wanna go though, I can help you." I say looking at her at the end. She smiles and just lays against the wall with me.

24K will no longer be 24K

And everything goes silent as Justin says those words. Everyone gets super loud and Justin reminds them something.

"I'm in charge remember that." He says and everyone gets quiet.

"I'm not Kendrick so it's not 24K. It's going to be 24U." He says and everyone just chuckles in what the fuck.

"What does the U stand for?" I ask and everyone looks at me.

"24 United." Justin says and everyone starts clapping. We could hear everyone from everywhere as this meeting was broadcasted everywhere all over 24 crews. "We are one unit. We are a family. I'm not playing games. I'm here to be your leader but also your friend. Your brother, your family."

I smile by his speech because it is entirely exactly what Justin wanted this to be. Let's just hope it turned out well.

"I'm not looking for an apprentice but I do have to go away for a bit and I'm looking for someone with leadership skills to keep this crew in tact while I'm gone." He says.

"Camilla!" Someone says and I throw a water bottle at them. Everyone starts laughing. Even Justin.

"Not Camilla. She's coming with me." He says and everyone oooooo's. I'm bringing more along with me before you get the wrong idea.

Get it! Choooowww

We all laugh again and Justin continues.

"Get some rest guys. We are running a skills tomorrow and the day after that. I will bring 3 with me and I'm looking for one to watch over while I'm gone. Please show me what you all have, because god I hope nothing ever does happen to me but this person will lead in case anything does." Justin says but I stop listening because I'm in my own world again. I walk to the room and just sit on our couch frustrated. Maybe I needed to leave Justin and his mission. I didn't want to hold him back.

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