Chapter 1

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Hi! I'm Maggie. I'm really not expecting to get any reads and I just like Dan and Phil. I don't know who I think I'm talking to but I'll upload two chapters and if you want more like or whatever!

It's hard to adjust to a new house, a new town or country for that matter. Moving from the little suburban town in South Carolina, US to London, England is a bit of a change. I have found a flat mate that seems pretty cool from what I learned over Skype that one time. The flat is pretty roomy, apparently it is pretty high up in the building so I'll be climbing a lot of stairs. Yay exercise!

I am finally old enough to move out and away from my parents. I hate them. They hate me. I would love to say it is a love-hate relationship but unfortunately I can't. When I was younger they would call me "a freak of nature" and "a waste of space". It took hours of hard work at both of my jobs to finally be able to get enough money to move here. I have a giant scar on my face from the time dad threw a plate at me while he was doing the dishes and I asked for him to hand me one to eat on. A big burn mark on my hand is a daily reminder of the time he told me to feel the pain he felt when I was born. He put my hand on the iron skillet resting on the stove. They told me once I as 18 years old I was to move out or they would throw me out on the streets. So I saved up.

The plane flight was fun. I had never been on one before. I was never allowed to attend the vacations with my parents. I sat next to the window and spent the 10 and a half hours looking at the world. I had never seen it from this angle. There is so much I could have explored. Landing was the scariest part. I got really scared and grabbed the seat in front of me and the man in the seat turned around and looked at me in a frustrated sense. He was beautiful. He had amazing blue eyes hidden behind thick glasses and skin white and clear, his hair was black as night.

"Oh my gosh I'm so sorry!" I gasped

"Oh it's fine!" He looked mad and then saw my frightened eyes and kind of giggled.

I can't believe I just did that to a complete stranger. He looked back at me. His eyes softened. He was the first British accent I had heard yet. The boy he was sitting next to looked back at me and smirked. His fringe fell into his chocolate eyes. The plane came to a stop and they told us we may get up and get our stuff. The brown eyed boy didn't move. He just kept looking at me. He was gorgeous. I mean the black haired one was cute but this one was different. I had never seen anything like him. I went to school and there were boys in my classes, but none of them were like him. I broke our eye contact and then got up and took my carry on bag and left the plane. I went to the bag pick up waiting for my suitcases. I have no idea how I am going to get them all into a cab. The brown eyed boy stepped next to me. As did the blue eyed boy. I apologised once more for what I did during the landing. He chucked and reassured me that it was okay. I was watching as the suitcases were coming out of the flaps and I see my black bag laying on it's back. Finally. The last one. I reach for it and feel another cold hand touch mine. I look up and meet the brown eyes I've seen before. We both pull it off at the same time so it doesn't have to go around again. We kept eye contact for what felt like forever. I found myself looking at every little detail of his black-coffee coloured eyes. He smiled and his shoulders bobbed up and down while he did a little laugh.

"I'm pretty sure this is mine" he whispered.

I looked down at the name tag. I read "Dan Howell" I recognised the street name on the 'address' section. I let go of the suitcase.

"Sorry" I put my head down and turned away.

I could tell my face was red and I didn't want him to see it. I felt a warm hand on my shoulder I looked up and saw blue eyes underneath a black fringe.

"Lighten up! It's all good!" The blue eyed boy said.

"What's your name?" He continued.

"Y/N" I put my head back down.

I see my bag on the carousel and pick the last one up. I try to find a way to get my small amount of belongings to the front doors. I am struggling immensely. I've taken everything I can from my parents house that I may be able to use. I couldn't take to much or I wouldn't have had time to leave before they left me on the street alone with nothing. I have just made it up to the front doors and the brown eyed boy shows up once more. He asks me where I'm headed. I show him the text from the owner of the flat.

"No way" he exclaimed.

"What?" I look up at him.

"Same building" he goes for a high five. I flinch.

"I'm not gonna hit you" he said grabbing my shoulder and I squeak.

"Um, do you want to share a cab with Phil and I?" He asks almost scared.

Phil must be the blue eyed boys name. I nod.

"I'm Dan" I remember from his name tag but shake his hand anyway.

Dan calls a cab and we try to cram our bags into the trunk and I'm surprised they all fit. We piled into the back seat. I sat in the middle because of my tiny butt. Dan sat on my left and Phil on my right. Phil is sitting close to the window and trying to think of jokes to make about things he see. Dan is sitting closer to me than the window. He's laughing at Phil's jokes. The big smile on his face makes me never want Phil to stop. We pull up to a big building. Dan points to where their flat is. I find which floor my flat is on and I am right over them. They help me bring up all my stuff. They only have a backpack each.

"Where did you guys come from?" I ask.

"We were on tour" Phil replies. I'm taken back.

"Wait what are you touring?" I ask struggling up the stairs.

"We both have YouTube channels and we got to tour the world" says Dan.

That is amazing. The only YouTube I've ever seen was at school. In class by the teachers. It's only ever been educational.

"I've never watched YouTube. I mean I have but only in school" I don't make eye contact I just keep my eyes forward.

"Wait wait wait! You've never watched YouTube?!" Phil is baffled.

"You are coming over as soon as we put your stuff in the house" Dan insisted.

I've never had this many butterflies in my stomach. I don't know these boys. But I feel like I have known these boys for years. If only I have.

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