Chapter 7

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Chapter 7:

I feel the clammy hands on my forearms and they spin me around. I look up to see Dan's and Phil's familiar eyes. They look worried and scared. That's my fault. The fear in their eyes wouldn't be there unless I left them.

"You disappeared, completely off the map, where did you go?" Phil puts his hand on my shoulder.

I look at the clock across the room my shift ends in 14 minutes. I tell them to stay there and Ill be right back. I run to the back and tell my manager I need to finish early. Since my job is not super important, she doesn't care. I remove my uniform and change back into my clothes. I walk back out into the isle they met me on. Dan scoops me up into a hug. I stand in his arms for what felt like hours. Without using any words we walk outside and I realise I should probably go back and get my backpack.

"One second" I say and sprint back to the store, into the back room, grab my bag and run back.

I return to see the two faces I met weeks ago. We walk to the park in silence. I direct them to the same park bench I've been sleeping on for days. They both turn to me and look at me with their big puppy eyes.

"Where did you go?" Dan asks.

I look down because I can feel the tears forming in my eyes.

"Your flat has gone up for sale and your flatmate has moved out. No one lives there anymore. Where do you live now?" Phil piles on questions and the tears come falling down my face.

"I live on this bench, this backpack is all I've got. I'm homeless" more tears come than expected, my shirt is soaked in tears.

Dan and Phil look at each other.

"Darling would you do us the honour of living with us for a while?" Phil puts his hand on my shoulder.

The tears come pouring down my ace even heavier than before. I cant help but look at them and feel amazing. But also guilty. They are sharing their home with me and I cant pay them or anything.

"I cant pay rent, I don't have any money" I say wiping my tears.

"None needed. We just want you to be safe. This, this is not safe." Dan puts his hand on my back and he's gestures to the park.

We get up and start for their flat. The walk includes Dan's arm around my shoulder and Phil's at my waist. This is where I have wanted to be. This is how I want to be for the rest of my life. I just want to be here. We make it to the flat and Dan walks me to his bedroom. He tells me that he will sleep on the couch and I will sleep here. I insist on sleeping on the couch. I unloop myself from his arm and run into the living room. I plop myself down on the couch and snuggle up in the blankets laying on the back of the couch. I slowly start to fall asleep but within my last few moments of consciousness I feel arms lifting me from the couch and carrying me somewhere unknown.

I wake up in an unfamiliar room, the only thing I recognise is the smell. I gives me a sense of relaxation, but I can't put my finger on what it is. But I don't want to escape it. I feel a smile emerge on my face and I inhale the scent. This is the smell my life has been lacking. It is greeting it with open arms and is ecstatic. I walk towards the door hoping to find Dan or Phil. I find Dan in the kitchen munching on some cereal. He hears me and offers me some breakfast. I turn it down and look at the time on the oven. 9:30. Crap. I was supposed to be on my way to work by now. I immediately tell Dan I have to go and run to work.

I see Sam inside and apologise. I go into the back and change into my work attire. I go out into the store and start running the cash register. Sam walks up to me.

"Hey, where were you?" Sam asks.

"I just slept in" I replied, not taking my eyes off of the register. She rolls her eyes at me and walks off. I spend my day like I do everyday and check plenty of teens out with games. I find myself thinking about Dan and Phil and how disappointed they must be. My lunch break consists of sitting with Sam at the restaurant next door. She eats while I sit and watch. We walk back to the store and get back to work. I work until 7 and collect my weekly pay check. Ive become quite acquainted with the pawn shop around the block. I got there daily and have become close with the owners. Jerry and Lydia. An older couple. Adorable, they've been together for 46 years. I saw them for the first time when I came in for a new set of clothes. For a 60 year old, Lydia has surprisingly good style. I left with 3 new outfits and 2 new friends.

The work day ends and I go back home to find the boys. Not just the boys, a girl too.
Curly blonde hair, striking blue eyes, she's in a cute little flower dress and flats. I get this feeling in my stomach scared that she is here for Dan. I was gone so long that Dan has replaced what I thought we had, maybe we never had it. Despite my feelings I know I can't just turn around and leave, they have already seen me. I continue walking into the living room and say hey, ignoring the girl. The boys stand and hug me and there is a small pause of silence.

"This is Maddie" Phil says, gesturing to the curly haired girl. I reach out to shake her hand and she shakes back. Gentle, soft, of course she would be the girl I get replaced by.

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