Chapter 5

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Chapter 5:
Waking up from a dream like that is hard because I have feeling that that is going to be me in a couple days. I get up and go to the kitchen expecting to be able to sit down and eat my bowl of cereal. Half of the furniture is gone. The microwave says its 11:49 and I realise it's almost 12:00 and she has probably ready signed the papers. On the fridge is a note that says this,

"Hey doll, I've gone to sign the papers and we have to be out by 7:30 tonight. The movers have come by to take most of the furniture and will be back tonight to take the stuff from our rooms -Your Best Roomie <3"

Ok. It's fine. Ive already pretty much packed up so I'm just gonna go to Dan's house. I walk out the door and as I get to the stairwell I feel tears well up in my eyes. I look up at the ceiling in hopes that my tears will disappear. It's not working. I look back at the door and I don't understand why I've become so attached to this 3 day home. Maybe because this is my least violent home or because I never got hurt here. This home meant a lot to me. How am I going to find some place that will be able to save me. I turn and go to the stairs and walk down stairs to the boys flat. I knock on the doors and then all of the sudden the tears catch up with me. I hear footsteps coming and getting closer to the door. I start panicking. I turn around and start speed walking towards the stairs.

"Hello? Wait Y/N?" I hear Phil answer the door.

I let out a small squeak as Phil grabs my forearm. He turns me around and sees my face. Tears stain my face, my eyes are puffy, my cheeks are red and blotchy. He looks at me with the most sincerely sorry I've ever seen. He doesn't even know what happened but he really is sorry and I know that. He pulls me into a hug. I stand here in Phil's arms for what felt like decades. I know he cares and really is sorry. I break the hug and look at Phil.

"I have an idea, lets go inside and sit down. We can have some coffee, you can talk or we can just watch some anime, whatever you want" he said with his hands on my shoulders.

I nod and we move inside and I sit on the couch. He goes into the kitchen and I hear him talking to someone. Dan. I look into the direction of the kitchen and see Phil come in and Dan's head poke round the corner

"May I join you two?" He said.

I pat the spot next to me on the couch. He walks in behind Phil with a plate of coffee and a bunch of Oreos. My stomach growls at me for not feeding it since we got here, other than what Dan made me. Phil sits next to me on the opposite side of Dan. He hands me a cookie and my cup of coffee. I hold it in both hands and close to my body for warmth. For some reason I feel colder then normal. Dan realises my shivering and brings in his duvet for us all to share.

"So do you want to tells us what happened or do you want to just watch some anime?" Phil says.

I wipe the tears from my eyes and exhale. I trust them. They deserve to know what's happened.

"Well I um..... had... a... bad... dream..." I shouldn't have lied.

Are you kidding yourself. Come one, be a big girl and tell them why you were crying. I don't need their pity. I'm an adult. I can take care of myself. They will only give me help that I don't need. You look at them and nod. They look at each other. Then back at you.

"Okay, what was the dream about?" Phil says almost skeptically.


"Um. My parents" I stutter.

They give me a big group hug and take a skip of my coffee. It fills my stomach with a heated, warm feeling. I pick up one Oreo to eat but find myself eating half the package. Phil's and Dan's eyes get wide.

"When is the last time you've eaten?" Dan asks.

"Yesterday when you gave me a bowl of cereal" I say with my eyes down.

"And before that?" Phil adds.

I try to keep my eyes down while shovelling another cookie in my mouth.

"Excuse me, did stutter darling" Dan stares at me intensely

"Probably half a week ago, but its fine, I've gone longer" I attempt to reassure them.

They aren't impressed. They shake their heads in an disapproving sense. They tell me abut how I need to eat and I need to stay healthy but I don't care. It's whatever. I realise its 7:25 and I need to get downstairs for the movers.

"Hey so not that I don't love listening to you tell me to eat, but I gotta get going. I'll see you guys when I can" I say hugging them both tight and leaving them for who knows how long.

I walk down the stairs and use my key for the lat time. I walk down the hall and walk into the empty living room I look into the kitchen. No food or plates or anything. My flatmate wakes through the door and come up behind me. We just hug. I cant stop thanking her for helping me. She assures me it was her pleasure. The movers arrive me take away the last of the stuff and i am left with my pitiful cardboard box

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