Chapter 12

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Chapter 12:

**Dan's POV**

She's gone. She was yanked from my reach and now I can't find her. It's all my fault for letting that evil man in and I have to fix it. I walk over to Maddie and put my good hand on her shoulder, holding my other close. She awakens grunting in discomfort.

"Help her Phil" I say and without another word I am out of here to find my girl. I grab my jacket and throw it over my shoulder. My wrist can wait to be tended to. I call a taxi and hop in. She's missing. I'll find her. It's my fault. It'll be ok because we'll find her. Missing. But it's ok. Missing. Alright. Missing. My fault. Missing. Missing. Missing. The word revolves around in my head and it won't leave. Missing. The taxi pulls up to the most popular hotel in our London area. I pay the driver and hop out of the car looking up at the building I will soon be searching. I walk through the door and to the desk. I ask for someone with the last name Y/L/N. the give me a room number. I find my way towards the lift. Floor 6. I wait and feel the calming lift music overtake me. I lean back on the wall as the floor takes me closer to the girl I love. Love? I'm interrupted my the ding of the doors as they swing open. Room 347. I walk up the hall and hear a loud bang and scream from room, you guessed it, 347. I knock on the door and no one is there to open it within the first 17 seconds so I kick it open. I see him there with Y/N by the hair on the ground. Without a word we make eye contact and he knows to let go, but unfortunately he comes straight for me. Y/N scrambles for the phone and dials the police.

"Yes hello we have an emergency" She says. I don't hear the rest due to the blow to my jaw. A scream bellows from my gut into the air. She screams my name. Next is a fist to my nose and it starts to bleed. I wipe it and notice the blood in my hand. I look up at him with only a second to see that he is coming at me once again but I am able to duck. He grabs my wrist and l let out a high pitched yelp before I'm back on the ground. I see her trying to fight him but it makes so difference. She screams and tried to convince him to stop but the kicks in my stomach are becoming more and more difficult to resist and before I know it it's dark.

I wake up in an ambulance. Loud sirens. Flashing lights. Her at my side, my hand in hers. Her simple smile glows in my eyes. The medic says I have 4 broken ribs and a sprained wrist. A broke a blood vessel in my anise and that's why it bleeding so much, no major injuries there. This pain is the worst I've felt before. Breathing is so Unbearable that I try not to do it. Not working. I'm hooked up to a machine that makes me breathe. 4 weeks later and I'm outta there. Im all ok but I can't do much. He dad is arrested and all is well. Maddie is fine and happy with Phil. I've become closer to her and I've gotten her close to Sam. We have become the unbeatable 3 musketeers.

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