Chapter 15

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Rachel's P.O.V

I shake Leia, trying to wake her up, But i forgot that she was a deep sleeper. I shake her more, 'How can I wake her up' is all I can think, Luke can probably do that when he get's here.

It's freezing, I wonder what Leia's dreaming about

Leia's P.O.V


I'm dreaming of Luke and I's future

Luke enters the room, Smiling at our baby that I just had delivered, He takes a seat next to me smiling, 

Luke- What do you want to call him

Leia- Casey John Harte 

Luke- I love it

Leia- Well I love you

------End of dream

Luke's P.O.V

Driving the car to find Leia right now, I'm not going to lie, I'm dying of excitement, I can't wait to see her, and if she's awake when I see her it would be unforgettable. I drive to Riley reserve and park the car, I don't even care if I get wet i see Rachel and a girl sleeping on a bench , That must be Leia and she's soaked, I grab the warm clothes i got and power walk to the picnic table, I walk so I don't slip and give her another reason to be in Hospital with me.

"Hurry up Luke, I want to go," Rachel says

"Why aren't you going to be there for your best friend?" I ask

"Luke it's freezing and I have a date-" I stare shocked

"With who?" I ask finally arriving 

"No one,"


"My boyfriend Jake,"

"You have a boyfriend,"

"I didn't want anyone to know, but I do,"

She leaves and I chuckle, Oh back to Leia , I look back to Leia, she is soaked, As soon as I feel her skin i let go of her, She falls on the floor, whoops, her skin felt like ice. I pick her up bridal style, I wonder how long she's been out here sleeping, at least I hope she's sleeping, And what is she thinking about.

Leia's P.O.V


Maggie and Luke a thing, I thought we were the item, I stare at them as they make out with each other.

Leia- Maggie, Luke

Luke- Leia, oh i forgot to break up with you

Leia- What?

Maggie- Yeah sorry, he loves me

I stand there dumbfounded, like he really ever liked me that much at all, it was all fake

-----End of dream

Luke's P.O.V

As I'm driving i look over to the passenger seat where Leia is sitting, I can't believe how long it took me to realize where she was, I didn't even realize Rachel did, I can't believe I let her run, 

I park the car, get the keys and take her inside, putting the fire in the fireplace on, I lay her down on the couch, I know how Leia will forgive me, she's a huge sweet tooth so marshmallows 

I start getting some out when I feel her arms wrap around my waist, she's awake

"Baby it was cold outside,"

"I'm sorry, Everything I said wasn't true, That's not what I think of you Leia, I think way more of you." I say

She takes her arms away and walks to the fire

Leia's P.O.V

"They are true Luke, I know that, But am I really killing your spirit,"

He walks over to me and takes my hands in his

"No Leia,you aren't, you don't know how much you mean to me,"

"Luke, I'm sorry i over react, I'm sorry i get jealous and I'm sorry you feel like I'm holding you back, Luke be honest, am i causing you pain,"

"No, I need you, My mother caused me pain and you are the only one that can help me get over that,"

"Why me?"

"Because your the love of my life,"

"Your the love of my life too,"

"I know," He says blushing

"Aww is my boyfriend blushing,"

"No, I'm a man," He says putting his muscle's up

"Luke, I promise you'll get over this,"

"I know I can, as long as your here,"   

No one's P.O.V

The rest of the night was spent with the two's relationship feeling stronger than it ever has, They make smores while laughing along with each other, Enjoying the other one's presence.


Theo and Giselle or Theo and Maggie, guys i don't know 'Who to choose' to be endgame


Bye Bye Bye

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