Part 1

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"I'm Miku Hatake. Things I like and things I hate, hmm," I ponder, "I  don't feel like telling you that," I state arrogantly, "as for my dreams for the future, never really thought about that," I lean against the wall and cross my arms lazily glancing at the new recruits, " as for my hobbies, aha, well I have lots of hobbies." I smirk, "you all may call me Miku due to the fact I hate code names."

"Miku," my partner sweat drops, he clears his throat and walks in front of bringing the attention to him, "who I am is not important, call me Kinoe." He smirks. 

Let me back up, I am Miku Hatake the only daughter of Kakashi Hatake the Copycat ninja, my mothers name is unknown dad rarely talks about her and she died when I was young. So I don't remember too much about her. Dad has raised me as his own since then. I am 11 years old and take after my dad in a lot of aspects. *cough* the mask. At the moment I am training the new recruits in the Anbu with Tenzo, his code name is Kinoe. 

"I'm your captain, got that?" I ask bouncing off the wall, I begin to walk back and forth with my hands behind my back. I'm the youngest one in the Anbu, at least to my knowledge. 

"Tch, you're the captain, isn't big man over there the captain or did his balls not drop yet?" An overconfident ninja states I turn towards him lazily. 

"Yeah you're right, he should be the captain and he should train you guys, say Kinoe would you like them to train under you? To be your partners?" I ask glancing towards him. He shakes his head signalling a no.  I glare at the new recruits, "to be an Anbu is to be a partner, to be ruthless to have trust. With no trust, the foundation will fall apart. We follow orders no matter who it's from. I am in charge, so you will follow orders," I stop in front of the new recruit, "got it?"

"Yes ma'am!" They synch. I sweatdrop. 

"Don't call me ma'am, I'm not that old," I pale. I see some smiles in the crowd.  "Now before we get started is there something you would like to say or do?" A hand goes up. 

"I worked too hard to get here just to have a little girl like you throw demands at me," the same man from before states, I raise an eyebrow, "I want a duel." I sigh and glance at Kinoe, he nods. 

"Put him in his place," he says before walking off. 

"Okay, I'll put dickless down," I say.

"Why you little," he yells balling his fist.  "AHH!" He screams charging at me, he throws a punch at me and I put my hand in my pouch. He stopped and looked for a second, I whip out a book and began to read it.  "Are you trying to offend me?!" He screams charging once again.  I shrug and smirk, he began throwing punches, kicks and anything he could do including jutsu. I got bored of him trying to attack me after about 4 minutes.

"You know, I got better things to do," I say.  I sigh and put my book back. he charges at me with lightening  I put my hand out gently and grabbed him by the neck. I then slammed him onto the ground. The impact so great debris from the cracks in the cement underneath flew all over. He was struggling against my grip. "Are you done yet?" I ask coolly. He growls but nods in defeat. I let my Iron grip on him subdue and I got up and turn towards the other newbs. I did a close eyed smile.  "Welcome to the Anbu." I walk away. 

"S-so cool," I heard some whisper in awe, I held back a laugh.  I walk through the black door and disappear from there sights. This is going to be fun.

"Captain, the Hokage requests your presence." One of my loyal followers said, I nodded and grabbed my fox mask, I then poofed over to his office. Knocking three times on the door I entered, what I least expected happened. 

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