Part 2

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Taking a sharp breath in I began to climb up the green hill, the sun shone above me and two pests were following me. 

"Please captain!" The Anbu with the owl mask begged. 

"Please!" The cat mask begged also. I sighed and shrugged, looking up at the sky there were many clouds. Each of them had there own unique shape, one anbu touched me so I kicked them and watched them tumble to the bottom. 

"Kakashi sensei!" I heard someone yell, I continued walking up the hill. Once I was at the top I saw 9 kids and 3 older ones, a blonde one was attacking the silver haired one aka my dad. Meanwhile he was just standing there sweat dropping and trying to calm the blonde down. I also sweat dropped. It was then my dad noticed me. 

"Hey, what brings you here?" He asked catching the rests attention, everyones eyes were on me now.

"She looks almost exactly like Kakashi sensei," the blonde muttered now sitting on the ground beside a pinkette and a guy with duckbutt for hair. 

"Mask and all," the pinkette murmed. 

"Hn," the duckbutt said. I rolled my eyes. 

"I finished training and the Hokage called for me," I started off. "He sai-"

"Captain! Please train us!" The two anbu said cutting me off. I cleared my throat. 

"As I was saying-" I began to say completely ignoring the two anbu behind me. 

"Why did they call her captain?"The pinkette asked quietly. 

"Captain! We want to be on your squad so train us!" They yelled. I grew a tick mark.

"Stop interrupting me you old hags! I'm trying to talk to my dad!" I yelled punching them, causing them to tumble down the hill.  "Stupid dogs following me everywhere," I muttered. I opened my mouth to speak. 

"Captain!" They yelled. 

"Fine! Do 600 laps around Kohona in 10 minutes, no transporting. If you don't make it. . .You'll find out." I said scarily, they nodded and ran off. 

"Dad?" The blonde murmured looking at who they know as Kakashi sensei.  "Kakashi sensei! You never told us you had a daughter!" He yelled. 

"As I was saying, the hokage wants me to join your team." I said looking up at the sky lazily.  I peaked an eye at the jonin. 

"HAHAH!" Asuma laughed. He walked up to me. "What did you do this time Miku," he said rubbing my hair. I swatted his hand away. 

"Nothing," I murmured. 

"It had to have been something Miku," Kurenai said thoughtfully. 

"Lowkey not joking." I said. "I was scaring the new recruits and then the hokage called me and put me on dads team."

"Why though?" Dad asked. "Not that I wouldn't want you on my team." He added. 

"Something about making friends my age," I said looking up at the sky. 


"Miku, you need to make some friends your age. So that's why I put you on your dads team!" The hokage said laughing.  "Ahohohoho," he laughed. 

"NOOOO!" I yelled purple and black aura surrounding me. 

"Ahohohoho," he laughed in the background.

*Flashback end* 

"Stupid old man," I muttered. Asuma bonked me on the head. 

"Hey!" I shouted. 

"Respect the old man," Asuma scolded. 

"I never said I didn't respect him," I challenged. 

"You called him stupid," Asuma challenged back. 

"Because some of the decisions he makes are stupid," I said back coolly. 

"He does them all for a reason though," Asuma said smirking thinking he had won. 

"So he dressed you up as a girl and made you parade around town for a reason?" I asked. Asuma blushed and stammered over his words. Once he realized he couldn't win he went over to his emo corner and picked mushrooms. 

"I just lost against Miku. . .Again," he muttered. We all looked at him. 

"So which ones are Sasuke, Sakura and Naruto?" I asked. 

"How do you know our names?" The pinkette who I now assume is Sakura said. 

"Dad won't shut up about you guys," I said. Dad blushed under his mask, even I could tell.

"W-well, I-I" He stumbled rubbing the back of his head. He then joined the emo corner with Asuma to pick mushrooms.  "My daughter just embarrassed me," he muttered.  I saw Sakura clinging on to duckbutt hair and the blonde glaring at him. 

"I'm going to assume your Sasuke and your Naruto." I said. 

"I'm going to be hokage! Believe it!" Naruto yelled. "I'll beat this teme!" 

"Hn, dobe." Sasuke replied. 

"Uncle, which one's your team?" I asked, Asuma jumped up and looked happy. 

"This is Shikimaru Nara, the brains. This is Ino Yamanaka the one who can take over minds and this is Choji Akamichi he can expand and wipe out a lot of enemies." Asuma introduced. I whistled. 

"That's a good team," I said. "I'm Miku Hatake, nice to meet you." 

"What a drag," Shikimaru said. 

"Don't steal my Sasuke-kun!" Ino glared. 

"*munch munch munch*" Choji ate. I sweat dropped. 

"What about you auntie?" I asked. Kurenai smiled softly. 

"This is Hinata Hyuga, Kiba Inuzuka and Shino Aburame." Kurenai said. 

"They're going to be a great tracking team," I muttered. Kurenai nodded. 

"I'm Miku Hatake!"I said." as you already know," I muttered looking to the ground. "Nice to meet ya!" 

"N-Nice t-to m-meet yo-u," Hinata stuutered. 

"Kawaii," I whispered causing her to blush even more. 

"We're done captain!" The anbu said appearing on the hill. 

"You took 21 minutes, go do 4000 pushups . . .With one hand. And when your done switch hands." I said, they groaned but started doing it.  I sat down and watched.  I could tell what everyone was thinking. 

'Just who is this girl?' I smirked, be prepared.  

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