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Gianni Marino

I took the liberty of hand delivering Ms.Spencer her tip. After I exited the restaurant I could help but gush to my sister and cousins about that bella dea cazzo. Usually when I would even look at women they would melt, but not this woman. She would just turn a little red as if she were blushing then go back to being professional. But I could keep my eyes off of her. Her hair was long silky and sandy brown, I just wanted to wrap my hands in it and...never-mind. Her hands were small but her fingers were slender, her nail long and a blood red. When she was my server I couldn't help but to look at her beautiful body... Mio Signore, that fucking body. She was the perfect hourglass figure. And that ass... dannazione. When I bent down to look her in the eye and give her tip and show my gratitude I couldn't help but notice that her eyes were amazing. One of them was a cold blue-grey, and the other was a warm glowing bright green. I felt like I had just been hit by freccia di Cupido ( Cupid's Arrow) when I notice she had freckles. I just knew this wouldn't be our last time meeting. Someday this girl would be my wife.

Spencer Addison

"Guys y'all know I love y'all but I just don't feel like going out tonight." I somberly sighed. One of my best friends/roommates Bianca looked irritated and Brooklyn/ Hispanic accent she practically gave me the business, " uh-uh, bitch I know damn well you not still stuck on ole' boy, girl that was near two weeks ago and you haven't went out since," then my other best friend/ roommate, Yomi, chimed in " Yeah and plus you neva know maybe we'll see Mistah sexy Italiano when we go out," she stated through her thick Brooklyn accent, bumping me with her shoulder and wiggling her eyebrows up and down. I sign in defeat, maybe they were right.
A little later that night I don't know how but they got me to agree to let them dress me. They put me in this skin tight long sleeved, mid thigh length, black dress and these 6 inch ankle strap black stilettos. I couldn't help but to feel rather uncomfortable and awkwardly tall even though I was only 5'10 with the shoes on. Bianca forcibly sat me down and did my makeup, not too little, not too much. I did my own hair straightening it, parting it down the middle, and tucking it behind my ears. I had to admit they were good and damn...did I look good.
We went to the Our 2009 nine Yukon. Yes we did share everything and split the price, the car, the nice apartment , they were my bitches so I could trust them. Bianca was wearing a sequined gold loose fit dress and black wedges. Yomi wore a baby blue strapless dress with white strapped knee-high boots and a white leather jacket. Damn did we look good. We arrived at our favorite club 'STRIKE!' When we walked in I swear up and down the whole club stopped to look, then again I could have just been feeling myself. As soon as we got there we started downing shots. About 6 shots later we were on the dance floor soaking up the lights and loving the buzz the alcohol was feeding us. We went to go sit at the bar and I instantly felt eyes on us, " oh my gawd, look ova there behind you, gurl you got a sexy ass man, dressed to the nines, lookin' atchu." I don't even take a look because they both know my mind is on one person. " Well, how do you know he's not lookin at y'all?"  Then Bianca blurts out loud enough for the world to hear," Because you're the only one standing up and his eye are pointed directly to you, because you got a FATASS." While making a gripping motion with her hands. With her Hispanic accent still ringing on my ears, I decided to turn around and take a look, I quickly snap back around toward my friends with wide eyes." Awe shit, guys... that's him, that's Gianni." Bianca looked confused, " who?" The Yomi's eyes got wide," Yo, that's Mistah sexy Italiano?" " Oooh, bitch you den caught you a nice one, damn he is F-I-N-E." Bianca insured outing emphasize on the 'E' while sticking her tongue out in a super inappropriate fashion that kinda got my blood boiling. I fell my heart thumping out of  my chest, I try to make a break for it heading straight in between B and Yomi. They catch me and launch me toward Gianni and with just my luck I land straight in his fucking lap.

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