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Spencer Addison

"Ahhh! You bitch, I'll kill you!" Yomi yells as she attempts to get out of the pool. Bianca is on her back, curled into a ball. Tears rolling down her face from laughing."You should've seen your face! HA!" "Cut it out guys." My one good foot dangling in the water. "Awe Spence, don't be a party pooper because you can't get all they way in the water" Bianca quipped. "Fuck you." I flip her the bird. "So I take it you and Gi Gi are doing better." Yomi says. "Yeah we sorted everything out. We're starting from the beginning." I reply. "So...when did you plan on telling us that you're in love?" B asks nudging me. "Well I don't know about all that, but I do know that he has grown on me and he's a super important person in my life now. I actually see a future with him." I answer. "That sounds like love to me so..." B adds. "Bite me." I say narrowing my eyes at her. Yomi laughs, "Well when you get married and have 30 children don't forget about us." I laugh. B places a hand on my shoulder while looking at the door, "Hey Spence, didn't you say everyone was gone and we were the only ones in the house?" I push her hand off my shoulder,
"Yea why?" "The door is opening..." I turn my head to see the stainless steel door being pushed open. A tall man with a scar going horizontally across his face and blond hair stands, filling out the entryway. I look down at his hands. He was holding a lr-300. His eyes met mine. Pointing the gun straight at Bianca he said, "Come with me and I'll spare your friends, if I have to take you by force I'll kill them." I instantly froze. I didn't know what to do, I didn't want to put B's life in danger but I also didn't want to die...or get raped...or worse. "Very well then." He pointed the gun straight at B's head and before he could shoot we lunge behind the counter. He fires shots, leaving a loud ringing in the air. "What the fuck is happening" B screams while plugging her ears. Yomi has her hands covering her head. As she cries she yells, "I DON'T WANT TO DIE!" We hear the gun shots stop and footsteps coming toward the counter. Lord please be with us, I really don't want to die.

Gianni Marino

I kick down the front door and step into the entrance. It's quiet.
I step forward and hear a gunshot then a blood curdling scream come from the pool room . Me and my men run toward the noise. I kick open the door the see one of what I assume to be Greco's men hovering over Spencer as she holds one of her friends limp bodies in her arms. Shes covered in blood. Pietro points his gun at the back of the mans head and fires, splattering Spencer with more blood. She doesn't seem to notice though all she is doing is staring at her friends lifeless body and crying. The mans body flops into the pool, turning the crystal blue water red. Spencer other friend hugs Spencer as she clings to her deceased friend. "Spencer..." I walk over to her and kneel beside her. Her chest dramatically heaving up and down. "I need you to come with me." She doesn't move. She doesn't speak. She just sits there holding her dead friend. Pietro goes to pick the bloody body up. I though she was gonna put up a fight and not let her go...but she didn't she just sat there. Spencer's living friend follows Pietro out of the pool room crying and screaming inaudible words. "Spencer?" I wipe some of the blood from underneath her eye.
She turns to look at me. She takes a deep breath and her face contorts, she finally breaks and tears start falling. It felt as if someone had stabbed in the heart. I ingulf her in a hug, I smooth her hair with my hair as an attempt to soothe her as best I could.

Spencer Addison

It's my fault, it's my fault she's dead. She's dead and I can't do anything about it. But cry. Even at a time like this I still feel so warm and safe as Gianni holds me in his arms. "I should've just went with him, if I would've just went with him she would still be alive." I say through my sobs. Gianni softly smooths my hair. "No, you did the right thing. None of this is your fault." How can he say that? Of course it's my fault! I was too busy worrying about my own life to realize I was putting the lives of my friends in danger. "It is my fault. It should've been me...I should've been the one who was shot in the head not..." Gianni cut me off, "Don't you dare say that! If it would've been you where would that have left me?" I can't help but to feel worse, "I really don't deserve to live. I...I," Gianni scoops me up and starts walking out of the pool room. I wonder where we were going but didn't care to ask. He walks up to my room and goes straight to the bathroom and turns the faucet in the tub on. He takes my boot off of me and strips me down to my bare form. After the tub fills up he gently sets me on the tub and begins washing the all the blood off of my skin and out of my hair. "How does your ankle feel?" He asks me while softly combing his hand through my hair. "It feels terrible. I landed on it when I jumped behind the counter."I say staring off into space. He cups my face, making me look him in the eye. He gives me a stern look, "Stop blaming yourself! It is. It your fault she died!" I turn away from him, tearing my head from his grip. "Hey, you can't beat yourself up over stuff you can't change." He says gazing at the side of my head. I turn to look at him, this day has just made me so tired of life. "It is my fault, so stop trying to convince me otherwise. Yomi would still be alive if I would of just listened."

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