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Spencer Addison

He was quiet...too quiet. I was starting to get nervous. I began to fiddle with my fingers, shifting my weight from foot to foot and looking down. Then I heard him laugh. I quickly look up and he's smiling. He's actually smiling. I wrap my arms around him, "So you're okay with it. I mean you're not like mad or anything right?" He grabs my chin and tilts my head so I and looking at him, "Why would I be mad? It's not like
It was an accident..." I let go of him and pause, "What do you mean it wasn't an accident?" I narrow my eyes at him. "Spencer I love you but you're super forgetful and unorganized. You're always talk about how you're 'on the pill' but I've never seen you take one."
"That isn't an invitation to impregnate me."
"I know but I don't like the way condoms feel so... here we are."
I roll my eyes and laugh, "You're lucky I love you."
He engulfs me in a hug. Bianca poked her head into the room, "Is it safe to comeback?"
"Ha ha, very funny." I answer.
She walks into the room, "I was thinking, if it's a girls you guys should name it Bianca, and if it's a boy you can name it Gonzalez."
Gianni laughs, "No." I couldn't help but laugh until my abs started to burn. Suddenly I felt dizzy, the room started to spin and everything went black.

I woke up in my bed. I looked at my phone and it was now 11:00pm. I walk down to the kitchen and Gianna, Gianna's wife, Bianca and Gianni are all standing in the kitchen. You could sense the tension as soon as you walked into the room. They all turn to me. Then Gianna's wife finally broke the silence, "Hey Spencer, how ya feeling?" She looked teary eyed. "Good, why does it look like you've been crying?" I answer.  She looks away from me and toward Bianca, " I don't know...why don't you ask your hussy friend." Everyone went quiet. Bianca finally spoke up, "Old bitch who you callin a hussy. I didn't even do anything to you." I felt the need to intervene but I just couldn't one, because I was really tired even though I had just woke up, and two, I was really really hungry.
I walk into the kitchen and start rummaging through cupboards. I feel what I am assuming to be Gianni's arm, wrap around my waist. He places a hand on my stomach. I smile spreads across my face. I turn to face him.
"Come ti senti?" He asked me.
"Ok I guess, what's going on in here?" I replied.
" Well your friend Bianca and My sister have gotten close on...multiple levels, and my sister's wife, Elouise, was going through her phone found some text messages or something." He answered.
The whole time Gianni was explaining the situation to me, Bianca, Gianna, and Elouise are arguing in the background. "You're a home wrecker. A wetback with nothing important to live for. I have a family, what would you know about that?" Elouise screams at Bianca.
In a flash Bianca reaches across the counter and snatches Elouise up by her hair everyone except for Gianni jumps.
"NO, Let her go Bianca!" I yell. My heart was thumping in my chest.
"Bitch you wanna call me a wetback? I'll show you a wet back!" Bianca says in a loud voice.
"BIANCA!" Gianna says in a voice that sounds as if she wants to cry.
Bianca doesn't listen though, instead she starts punching Elouise in the top of her head. "BIANCA, STOP!" I yell. I look at Gianni who has one arm wrapped around me and his phone in his other hand. I try to pry his arm off of me so I could go help, but I guess he didn't want me to help because his grip became tighter. All of the sudden Pietro came into the kitchen and pried Bianca off of Elouise. Elouise Stood up and looked at Gianna, "You know what you and her can be happy together, I'm done." With that she stormed out of the kitchen. Gianna didn't even make an effort to stop Elouise, she just let her go. Then she looked at Gianni and I, "Where did Pietro and Bianca go?" She asked
Before Gianni could answer she stomped out of the kitchen. I sigh,
"Well I should go find Bianca before she does."
"No, they're good, they can handle their own problems." Gianni says hugging me to his chest.
"I know but I just want to be sure." It takes all my strength and then some, but somehow I pry Gianni's hand from around my waist. I head out of the kitchen and I instantly hear yelling. It was coming from the entryway. Once I walk into the entryway I see Gianna and Bianca... hugging?
"Are you guys ok?" I ask.
"Yeah but I have to go talk to Elouise before things get any uglier." Gianna answers.
She walks out the door. Bianca gives me an apologetic look, "I'm sorry about all of that, I know that had to be pretty weird to wake up to."
"No I'm ok, but you should get some sleep." I ingulf her in a hug. She heads up to her room. I sigh and pinch the bridge of my nose. I head up to my bed room to take a shower. I felt like it took an eternity to get up to my room. My feet were aching, my back was hurting, and all I felt like doing was lying down. And thats all I wanted to think about... my bed. I'll take on every other challenge tomorrow.

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