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Spencer Addison

"So start from the beginnin, we wanna know everything." Bianca said plopping down on the bed. After they walk in on what I thought was going to be an...'Exciting' moment they helped me get dressed in my pjs.
I laugh and roll my eyes, " Well before you guys so rudely interrupted, I wa..."

*knock knock knock*
I turn toward the door, " I think that's the doctor, Come in." The doctor enters the room. " She didn't look like a doctor, she was actually really pretty. Tall, thin, jet black hair that stopped at her shoulders, chocolate brown eyes, and an extremely familiar face. " Hello Ms.Spencer, I am Dr.Marino." I cut her off, " Marino? Like Gianni Marino." She smiled and nodded at me. I kinda started hyperventilating, " Oh my god, you're not his wife are you?" She started laughing at me, " Well considering the fact that would be incest and my brother is single, no I am not. Gianni is my twin brother older by 3 minutes." I let out a breath I didn't even know I was holding in, " Oh thank god!" " Yeah my brother's single as a Pringle, and even if I wasn't his sister, I don't think my wife would like me having a husband on the side." It's almost like B, Yomi, and I were the same person for a minute making the same facial expression, showing our realization. " Oh, you're a lesbian?" I asked raising one of my eyebrows. " Yes I am, have been for 19 years." She said boastfully. " Well Dr.Marino, you're ridiculously beautiful so your wife is very lucky." I say giving her a toothy smile. " Why thank you, You're a looker yourself. my brother has told me everything and nothing about you. And call me Gianna." She softly tried to make conversation as she made her way to the table beside my bed where the phone was, setting down a black leather bag and pull up a plush chair next to my bed to examine my ankle. "So this is the ankle I take it." She points at my right ankle. I nod. Without warning she grabs my ankle, squeezing it. I hiss in pain. " Yep, you've got a minor fracture in your ankle, you'll be in a boot for 6 weeks. I'll have G bring it up to you." She pulls out a pull bottle," Take two of these once a day, they should take care of the pain." Handing me the pill bottle. " Thank you." I give her a small smile. " Get some rest, my brother will be up here to bother you later." She leaves pulling the door and letting it swing behind her. " Guys we should get some rest, tomorrow I'll tell you guys all about it and we'll explore the house, but right now, in tired." I say giving a big yawn. Yomi rolls her eyes," Ok but tomorrow you have to tell us EVERYTHING." She and Bianca leave my room. I pop two of the pills Gianna gave me and let sleep wash over me. I wake up to the feeling that someone had replaced my bladder with a water balloon. As I go to get up I feel someone's arm wrapped around my waist pulling me closer to them. They were so warm, but I really needed to pee. I pry their arm off of me and limp to the bathroom. After I wash my hand I got to get back into my bed and I see the most beautiful, mouth watering, panty wetting back I've ever seen. The muscle definition was extraordinary. It was as if he were carved out of marble. Even in this dark room, it was magnificent. As I walk toward the bed I couldn't help but notice something on his back, it look like a giant tattoo. As I got closer to the bed it became more clear, it was a giant tattoo. I sat on the bed, he shifted, making the tattoo even clearer. It was a humongous set of wing with a catholic cross in the middle.
There was writing on each of the wings. In the middle above the cross it said '1955-2003 & 1953-2003' . On the right wing it said 'Romina Marino' and on the left wing it said ' Giovanni Marino' . I'm guessing those are his parents but what happened to them? I begin tracing the lines of the right wing. He starts to stir. Not wanting to wake him I turn to face the opposite side of the room. As I close my eyes I am greeted with a muscular arm around my waist, hugging me to his chest while kissing the side of my neck. I turn to facing him,

" I thought you were sleep, were you pretending to be asleep?" I question, peering into his hazel eyes. His normally slicked back hair, wild and wavy, his face is the softest I've ever seen it, relaxed and laid back, " No I was asleep, until you started touching my back..." I gave him an apologetic look," I'm sorry, I just never knew you had a tattoo." His eyes were now closed, " Mhm." " Are they your parents?" I ask, his eyes shoot open, "What?" I instantly regret my question, but that doesn't stop me from asking again..." On your back, the names. Are they your parents...if you don't mind me asking." He take a deep breath. " Yes they are, go to sleep." I lightly laugh," Okay one last question and I'll go to sleep." He closes his eyes again and sighs dramatically. "What do you do for a living?" I felt him tense up. He was quiet for a while. " I uh... run the family business." I yawn, " and what exactly is that?" This time I felt him shift, " I...I..." I cut him off. " It's ok you can tell me tomorrow," I snuggle closer to him and feel him relax as I drift off to sleep.

*1 1/2 Months Later*

I wake up and put on my hideous boot, finally I can walk normally. I put curl definer in my hair and go to get dressed.
I pick out a white short sleeve crop top, high waisted shorts, a black sun hat, and one brown sandal on my left foot. I put on some light make up, Today me, Bianca and Yomi are going to "tour the house", but really we were going snooping to try and find out what Gianni, did for a living. I meet up with B and Yomi, who are currently at the bottom of the stairs holding a map of the house.
" Hey Spencer, how'd ya sleep?" As soon as Yomi asked me that question I turned beet red. Bianca raises one of her thin brows," lemme guess, Mr. Mystery came and spent the night in your room?" Her and Yomi start laughing. I join in and then suddenly stop once I noticed what she said," wait why'd you call him 'Mr. Mystery' ?" " Because lets face it Spence, you don't really know anything about em'." I brought my voice to a whisper stepping close to them, " That's what I wanted to talk to you about, I think we should snoop ya know to see if we can find anything important..." it was quiet for a while then all of the sudden they simultaneously whisper yell, "I'm in!" I give em a wide smile rubbing my hands together slowly, " YES, let the snooping begin."

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