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A/N: Hello, this is a new story I've decided to start writing, seeing as there are not many erased fan fictions out there for my son Kenya! This introduction is not exactly long, but I plan to make the following chapters more extensive. P.s: It feels good to be back!

This town, I've moved here recently, just in time for the start of a new school year. I haven't acquainted myself with anyone around here, in the small time I've been in the area. School is coming up soon, I'm not exactly looking forward to it. I've...never had too many friends in my life, aside from a few close friends. I'm especially awkward and not the most put together around people I don't know. My parent(s) often say how I should make new friends in this town and at school once it starts. I'll try my best for them, but I can't guarantee anything. My nature just isn't great for this sort of thing. It's only been a week since I moved here, but now I'm getting ready for school.

The beginning of the year, the hardest time for me at school. No friends, no anything. Today, as I step into class, not many people are present, not even the teacher has arrived yet. "Ah, am I this early..?" I mumble to myself, quietly patting snow off from my coat. Looking on the desks, there are name tags. Oh great, a seating chart, I think to myself as I search for my spot. Aha, there it is!

I set my things down and then sit in my chair. The seats are arranged in a two desk pair, and on the desk beside me, I see the name "Kenya Kobayashi." I don't pay much mind to it, and I begin placing my school items into the desk in front of me. Slowly, as time passes, chairs in the classroom begin to fill up, as does the one next to me. My seat partner is a boy, he has blond hair, and an almost unamused look to his face. His outfit is like a mini tan trench coat, and earmuffs are wrapped around his neck. As he begins to take off his jacket, a solid black turtle neck is revealed. It's quite nerdy, I think to myself.

He glances towards me once before finally settling down. Should I strike up a conversation? The few friends I had from my old school were female, so I never really talked much with guys, but if one is my seat partner, then I suppose I have somewhat of no choice. Just as I'm about to muster up the courage to say something, the teacher enters the room and instructs all of the children who are not seated to find their place. So much for starting a conversation.

As class starts, I readily pay my attention to the board. The teacher, his name is "Gaku Yashiro." He explains to us that we'll be doing a "get to know your seat partner better" thing for today, since it is the first day. This does shoot a jolt of anxiety up through my body. I'm not ready, not now. Why can't we just talk to each other on our own accord? Nearly every first day is like this, so why am I surprised? Almost immediately, the blond boy next to me turns his head to look in my direction. Thus the activity begins.

Seat Partner: An Erased Fanfiction [Kenya Kobayashi x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now