Chapter 8: Science Museum

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A/N: It's been a while, huh? Sorry for not updating, I've recently been falling back into Haikyuu. It's a bit hard to write this now, after beginning to write in third person again for my other story. Sighhhh~~ This update isn't too long, I really have to get back in the swing of things!


Just after a day, I already stood in front of the school building. A small sniffle was still apparent, but it was nothing severe. Before leaving my house this morning, my [mom/dad] made sure to bundle me up. They recently purchased gloves, earmuffs, and a scarf to hopefully prevent my getting sick again. They act like it's the end of the world, but every kid gets sick eventually. 

"Hmph," I tug at the scarf wrapped tightly around my neck, loosening it a bit. As I try to push the hair from my face, it proves quite difficult due to the gloves on my hands. No wonder I didn't wear this stuff before, it's a pain

Other kids were arriving at school too, so I decided to quit complaining and head inside. I wasn't exactly early today, so many students had already taken their seats. "Good morning." Mr. Yashiro greeted as I stepped inside. I shoot him a small smile, taking a seat next to Kenya. "How do you feel?" Blondie asks, just as he did the day before. This time though, my answer is different. "Better." After hearing my response, Kenya's face softens, and I can tell he's been washed over with relief. 

It didn't take much longer after that for class to start, but it passed by pretty quickly. Today, I decided to pay attention, seeing as I missed the day before. 

"Hi, [First Name]." Satoru waves, walking up to Kenya and I as class ends. Kazu, Osamu, and Hiromi trail not too far behind, all of their stuff already packed up. "Kenya was really worried about you yesterday!" Kazu announces, grinning. Kenya glances towards him before returning his gaze to me. "I-Is that so?" I stammered out, beginning to fiddle with my fingers. "I'm grateful." My once pale cheeks are now a rosy red, and I look towards the ground. "Ah-" Suddenly remembering what he had done for me yesterday, I look up. "Thank you for keeping me company yesterday." Kenya rubbed the back of his neck, avoiding making eye contact. "It was nothing." 

A snicker escapes Kazu's mouth, and he sends Satoru a look. "Oh," Satoru speaks up, "I was thinking we could go to the science museum today." He suggested, awaiting our responses eagerly. "That sounds fun." I say as Kenya nods in agreement. Osamu, Hiromi, and Kazu on the other hand decline, saying they didn't have time. Kazu sends Satoru a wink, then leaves with the rest of the boys. "Let's go then." 

Once we reach the building, Satoru suddenly had a realization. "Oh!" He stops in his tracks, not walking any further. "I just remembered I had to help my mom with something today!" I see what's going on here. It's another set-up, that much is clear. "Be careful on your way home then." Kenya says, opening up the doors to the building. "We'll see you tomorrow." Satoru turns to leave, and Kenya motions for me to follow him. We've somehow ended up alone together once more. 

I've never actually been to this science museum before, so it was a new experience. One that I'm experiencing for the first time with someone I consider special. My heart begins to beat at my current thoughts, and I try to calm myself by conversing. "It's really cool here." Kenya nodded, but was seemingly focused on something else. "Are you..alright?" He nods once more, but follows with words this time. "I want to show you something." 

Walking through the halls of this place was interesting, as we passed so many cool things. It felt a bit romantic for some reason. It was like a date you'd see in a lame romance film, even though we weren't doing anything particularly special.  

We finally reach the destination and my mouth drapes open. It was like being in space, the room was dark and clouded with a sheet of stars. Not real of course, but it was close. "Wow..." Kenya smiled at my reaction, feeling satisfied. "We come here often," Kenya speaks up, "But it's nice to experience it again with someone who's never been." Kenya's eyes hesitantly glance towards my hands. Should I? He thought, creases forming in his forehead. 

"It's amazing!" I exclaim,  voice rising as I turn in his direction. This sudden loudness pulls Kenya out of his thoughts and he jumps slightly. "R-Right." I walk closer to him, examining how he looks as the shadows from the bright "stars" shower his body. It was almost like he was radiating. Kenya studied my face closely, and it looks like he's decided upon something. All of a sudden, I feel a gentle force grip my hand. 

Startled, I blink multiple times, blush returning. As I look at Kenya's face, he's covered in a light shade of red as well. His facial expression is neutral, though. "I'm glad you like it." He mumbles, now unable to look in my direction. Tightening my grip on his hand, I smile.

"Thank you for bringing me here!" 

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