Chapter 4: Hook Up

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A/N: I really enjoyed writing this chapter, even though it seemed a bit short as I read over it, haha. I seriously need to keep writing each day, or I'll keep procrastinating on the updates! Enough of my rambling, please enjoy!


"Nngh..." I slowly rise, stretching my arms above my head. I wipe my eyes drowsily, trying to clear my vision. After getting past the morning delirious phase, my eyes search around the room. No one is here, and light peeks in from the window. "It's morning?" I wipe the side of my face, feeling the dried up drool peel off. I check the time, realizing I should be getting ready for school. Something is off, I reach into my brain, trying to recall what happened the night before. I was so tired that I dozed off early last night, but that's not all. Ah, that's right! Kenya was here. We were sitting on the floor, reading a book together when I fell asleep. How did I end up in my bed

I crawl out of bed, walking to my closet. I grab my clothes and as I'm getting ready, I notice a sticky note on my desk. Scooping it up, I focus my still dreary eyes to read. 

"Hello, [First Name]. It was getting quite late and I didn't want to wake you. I returned your book to the shelf and by the time you've read this, I've already arrived home. I'll see you at school.

- Kenya"

I set the note down, sighing. I finish getting ready, and after saying goodbye to my parent(s), l leave the house. The weather is almost identical to yesterday, but actual snow is falling this morning. I thought it was cold then, now my fingers and face will need extra time to thaw. I trudge through the snow, snuggling a bit of my chin into a small portion of my jacket. 

When I enter the classroom, a few students are already present. Satoru is here, lighting the heater that is near the back of the room. Kenya had just walked into the room as well, as he was pulling out his chair as I stepped inside. "Good morning." Satoru says, standing from his once crouching position. "Good morning." I reply, scrunching my fingers into a fist, trying to warm them. I take my seat, rubbing my hands together. 

I hesitantly shuffle my eyes to the right, bringing Kenya into my view. I feel so awkward after what happened yesterday. Should I say something? I've recently begun asking myself this question, becoming more wary of what other people are thinking. I wonder if he's experiencing this same emotion. Most likely not, I think, scratching the thought from my head. "Your [mom/dad] sent curry home with me the other night." Kenya mentions, tapping his finger on the desk. "It sure did take a while to prepare, huh?" 

Why does it seem like that was directed towards me? Is he hinting that the reason I fell asleep was due to my lack of patience

I nod, smiling awkwardly. "I assume you saw my note?" He asks, raising an eyebrow. I nod once more. "Are you alright?" Even though I'm freezing, I feel sweat droplets beginning to form. Do I dare bring it up? "I'm so sorry about the other night." I spew out, a grimace appearing on my face. "I, um, didn't mean to, you know...Fall asleep on you. I, uh-" I struggle forming any type of well structured sentence. All the while, Kenya just awkwardly stares at me, occasionally blinking. He probably doesn't want to talk about it either. "No need to apologize, it's fine." I receive a response that I was almost expecting. He always says that.

Randomly, out of nowhere, I hear a voice come from somewhere nearby. "Wha-? They slept together?!" Then another. "Shut up, they'll hear us!" I look towards the front of the room and see Osamu fall over from behind the teacher's desk. Shortly after, Kazu emerges from the same place, helping Osamu up. He must have pushed him over by accident. They notice me looking at them, and walk over. "Well, fancy seeing you guys your seats...." Kazu says, rubbing the back of his neck. "Eh? We were just listening in on them-" Osamu winces as Kazu pinches his arm. "You guys aren't very good at eavesdropping, huh?" Satoru laughs, walking up from behind us. For some reason, my once cold cheeks are now as hot as a stove.

After that little scene, the teacher arrived and school passed by pretty quickly. I could barely pay attention because my mind was elsewhere. At times, I would find myself just staring at Kenya, observing his features as he focused on the board ahead. I started to notice the small things, like how his hair always bobbed whenever he looked up or down. Also, at times his eyes would drift off, looking towards another girl in the class. What was her name again? It was Hinazuki I believe. Does he like her? That question immediately came to mind, and I scolded myself for thinking such a thing. Why does it matter if he does or doesn't? 

The group didn't plan any sort of scheme today to hook Kenya and I up, but once Kenya left the classroom, Kazu walked up to me. He was probably waiting for blondie to leave. "[First Name]." He leaned forwards, placing his hands on my shoulders. "You totally have the hots for Kenya, right?" My eyes widened and my cheeks turned beat red. I blinked several times, trying to compute the words that came from his mouth. "E-Excuse me?" My body began to tremble slightly, due to my nervousness and shock. "I take that as a yes!" He releases my shoulders from his grip and backs up, standing in a righteous pose. 

"I'm going to arrange things for the two of you!" He exclaims, a bit forcefully actually. I tried to allow words to escape from my mouth, clawing at the inside of my throat, but none would form. "Trust me." Kazu grins, slipping on his weird green headpiece. "See ya tomorrow!" He says, running out of the classroom. I currently stand in the middle of the room, frozen like a statue. I could have stood there for the whole day if Mr. Yashiro hadn't of returned to the classroom. "[First Name]? Shouldn't you be heading home?" I suddenly regain the ability to move and speak. "Ah, I'm sorry, I was just about to leave! Goodbye!" I hurriedly rush out of the room and make my way out of the school, still reminiscing over Kazu's words. 

What have I gotten myself into?

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