Chapter 9: Shock

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A/N: What's this??? An update??!! Oh my goodness, can you imagine? It sure has been a while and I'm sorry to have made you all wait so long!! I hope you can forgive me!! But geez, it feels nice to be writing this again! I never knew how much fun I would have writing this again until I started. I thought it may be a nice way to kick off the new year! Please enjoy reading this update, I'd like to know your thoughts!


It was extremely difficult, trying to go to sleep that night. 

All I could think about was yesterday at the science museum. I feel so ridiculous, letting one small action consume my thoughts. 

His hands; exposed and warm. His gaze; nervous and full of thought. Leading up to the moment he reached for my hand, I could tell something was off. The way he kept looking towards my hands with the slightest hint of distraught. It was like he was struggling to come to a conclusion in his mind. He always has the answers, but that night, he truly let me see another side of him. The side that shows he's still just a kid. Nervously taking a girl's hand into his own, stuttering and stammering about with his words. I will never forget the moment I was blessed to experience with him. His hand was so soft, I can't even begin to explain it. His grip was so gentle, showing how unsure he was about what he decided to do. At that moment, when he finally grabbed my hand, it's like I blacked out for a second. My mind shut down, and when I regained my composure, I was greeted again with the view of someone so bright it could blind you.  He suddenly became can I even describe it? Now my heart can hardly contain itself whenever he even slips into my thoughts. A smile naturally assumes itself upon my face, and everything seems so warm. With him, I just feel so...complete. It's hard to believe that this one boy can make me so happy without even trying.

When I arrive to school the next morning, I'm hit with a rush of anxiety. Butterflies bloom inside of my stomach, and my hands nervously rub against each other. I take a deep breath before entering the classroom, and attempt to walk inside with a sense of confidence and calmness. I can't let every little thing raddle me, although I do suppose that holding hands with Kenya is not a little thing. Actually, it's a big deal. Not just holding hands with him, but him initiating the whole event. Oh goodness, wait, why would he do that? 

So much for calming myself down.

Why would he want to hold hands with me? I mean, I'm sure it was just a friendly gesture, is all. Friends do that all the time, right? There's no way he meant anything more than that. I'm probably not even his type... 

Oh, come on! Pull yourself together! 

I quickly pat my cheeks, pulling myself from the abyss of my worries. I always overthink everything, and I would have to say that is one of my worst qualities. It ruins a lot of things for pointless, sometimes even nonexistent reasons. 

None of that trivial stuff- okay, okay, it's not trivial but- none of that matters right now. Just focus on what's ahead of you, [First Name]!

Once I step inside the classroom, I'm greeted with curious eyes and eager looks from the gang. For a moment I'm confused, but then I think, they probably set up what happened yesterday, and are awaiting the results

Satoru is the first to approach me, with the rest of the guys in pursuit. All of them except for Kenya, that is. 

"I'm really sorry I had to leave so suddenly yesterday," Satoru says, rubbing the back of his neck with an apologetic smile. 

"Oh, no worries," I smile, glancing off to the side. "Kenya and I still had a nice time."

Both Kazu and Osamu snicker. 

"I'm sure you guys did!" Kazu exclaims, a mischievous look in his eyes. "I bet y'all had a full on make out session or somethin'!" 

My eyes widen at the thought, and I nearly choke on the air that surrounds me. 

I can't believe he said that! 

Suddenly I hear the door slide open behind me. It's hard to even find the power to turn around. I think all of my energy was sucked out of me, trying to deal with the ridiculous idea that Kazu had dealt. The only thing that gets me to finally look back is the shocked face of Satoru. Lo and behold, can you imagine who was standing there? Kenya, frozen in his tracks.

Oh dear, did he hear that...?

"Well geez, don't just stand there! Come on, Kenya, you don't haveta hide anything from us. We know you totally did!" 

Kazu keeps teasing, and I really don't know how much more I can take. The embarrassment that I am feeling is overbearing, and I can't imagine how Kenya feels. I hope he doesn't get upset; with them constantly teasing us and all.

Perhaps he is getting fed up with it all.

Maybe he's tired of them always trying to set us up.

He probably hates me because of the burden I've caused him.

Kenya slowly steps forward, seemingly out of the short daze he was in previously. As he stops beside me, I hesitantly look up towards him. I'm greeted with a look I know all too well. His brown eyes meet mine, and his expression is as soft as the clouds in the sky. Oh goodness, his smile. That slight smile, full of reassurance. It makes my heart melt every time. But that's not it, no, it never is. 

A slight pink tint showers his cheeks and it's at that moment that I break

My heart completely goes wild. It pounds so loudly that I fear even he may be able to hear it. My cheeks turn so red, it's impossible to miss. I can't believe how he makes me feel this way. Just one look and he has already made me crumble into a million pieces. 

"You sure have quite the imagination, Kazu," Kenya says with a calm tone to his voice. It only took a mere sliver of time for him to regain his composure, and that amazes me. He's so unique, really. He leaves me at a loss for words. "That, I can assure you, did not happen." I smile at Kenya, relieved that he could somehow deal with this situation. At least, I thought it was dealt with, but then:

"T-They may not have done that, but," Hiromi speaks up, gaining the gang's attention. "I saw Kenya grab [First Name's] hand yesterday!" 

 Shock. Pure shock.  

"I was walking in the same direction as the museum when Satoru left you two and got curious. I know we all decided to leave them alone, but I just couldn't help myself. I'm sorry!"

Kenya and I were taken aback. We were both now red as tomatoes, meeting gazes then quickly looking away. 

I really didn't want the other guys to know about what happened, and I most certainly am not ready to deal with their reactions. Heck, I wasn't even ready to see Kenya today after what happened! 

Now what will I do...?!

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 01, 2018 ⏰

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