Chapter 3: Home

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A/N: I realized soon after publishing the last chapter that I left myself off at a not so good place. This being said, I was struggling with a way to continue, but please bear with me!

Just as my vision begins to blur due to the tears, I raise my hand up to my eyes, wiping them away. "Ah, sorry for getting so emotional." I sniffle, tugging on the ends of my sleeves. No one says anything at this point and I begin to wonder if I've made the situation awkward. "W-Well, um," Staring out the window in the room, I notice it's beginning to get dark. "I guess I should be heading home!" I gather up my things, preparing to leave. "I'll see you all tomorrow." The boys all say their goodbyes, and just as I'm about to step outside, Kazu pushes Kenya in my direction.

"Kenya will walk you home!" He announces, a mischievous grin on his face. What is he, Kenya's wingman or something? "If you insist." I smile, it's not like I was against the idea. Kenya is hesitant for a slight moment, but ultimately agrees to accompany me home.

As we walk, silence fills the air once more. I've realized, in the time I've known him, Kenya is not a big talker. Knowing this, I just want to talk with him, to hear his voice. I want to start conversations and laugh with him. What am I thinking? I pat my face, shaking my head.

"I'm sorry to inconvenience you like this." At the sound of my words, I hear a laugh escape from blondie's lips. "I don't mind." His eyes then focus on me. "Is your house far from here?" He asks. "Not at all." I look at the street signs as we pass by them until I finally see mine. My house is the first one as you turn onto the street, so we walk up to the door. I knock gently, waiting for my [mom/dad] to open it.

The locks then begin to twist and the door is pulled open. At first I'm greeted with a smile, and then followed by an almost surprised expression. "Who is this?" They ask, gesturing towards Kenya. "Oh," He mumbles, stepping forward, bowing. "This is Kenya." I answer for him. "He-" I'm cut off by my parent's next question. "Is this your boyfriend?"

Shock. My mouth gapes open, and I frantically wave my hands out in front of me. "N-No, he's just a friend!" As I look towards Kenya, I swear for a split second I can see a red tint to his cheeks. Maybe it's from the coldness of the air outside. "Oh, a friend? How about you come inside?" What is going on here? Kenya was just supposed to walk me home and now it's evolved into this. "H-Huh? I'm sure he has to be getting home." All of a sudden, Kenya is dragged inside right in front of my eyes. It's pointless to argue, they'll just ignore me either way.

"I was just making curry!" My [mom/dad] says, walking into the kitchen. "It'll be ready in about an hour." Now Kenya and I are left alone in the living room. "I'm so sorry." This was not supposed to happen. Why is he in my house? "It's alright," Kenya says, clearing his throat. "I understand."

I just can't comprehend the situation I am in right now. What am I supposed to do at a time like this? "Um, you can set your things in my room." Why did I say that? I'm now taking a boy into my room. This is one event I thought would never occur. When we enter my room, I can see the surprise on Kenya's face. "You have a lot of books." He states, looking around. "O-Oh, feel free to read anything you'd like!" I can't stand still, and my body feels like it's on fire.

"What do you suggest?" Kenya asks, trying to lighten the mood with this topic of books. I must say, it works quite well. No matter how nervous I may be, somehow book talks and reading calm me. "Well," I walk up to the shelves and pull out a mystery book. "How about a detective story?" I hold the book up next to my face, feeling as the anxiousness in my body begins decreasing. "That sounds great." Kenya pauses for a moment, then continues. "Let's read it together."

So much for calming me! Seeing as how much I've blushed today, my cheeks should have burnt off by now. I'm not fit for these types of situations. "A-Alright." It's not exactly warm in my house, so I grab a blanket. There was only one left in the closet, due to the others being washed. I hand him the book and blanket, then sit down on the floor beside him.

Kenya wrapped a part of the blanket around himself, and handed the other part to me. I reluctantly wrap it around my shoulders and scoot closer to him. This scene, it feels all too similar to the one at the hideout. I try to shake these thoughts away, and watch as Kenya opens the book.

It's been such a long day, and as time passes while we read, my eyes start to flutter closed. I struggle to keep them open, yawning. How long will this curry take? Now that I think about it, I don't smell anything that could give signs that something is being cooked. I decide not to give it much thought, as my brain is about to burst. Eventually, I just let myself drift to sleep, forgetting the person next to me.

As I doze off, my head falls onto Kenya's shoulder. He jumps slightly, glancing at my sleeping body. He doesn't say anything, but instead continues to read as not to wake me. I feel bad, putting him through all of this. Maybe I can make it up to him some other time.

For now, I just bask in this moment.

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