Chapter 5: Worried

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"How was school?" My [mom/dad] asks as I walk into the house, kicking my shoes off at the entrance. I look up, trying to come off as normal, even though I'm practically dying inside. "It was fine." My backpack slides off of my back, landing onto the floor near my shoes. "You know.." My ears perk up, and I look towards my [mom/dad]. "That kid sure was a cutie." No matter how hard I try to stay calm, I fail quite miserably. It's become common now for my face to be a shade of red, so I'm not surprised as I feel my face heat up.

"Haha, you two were sound asleep yesterday!" Wait, you two? I thought I was the only one who fell asleep the other night? "It was getting late, so I came to check up on you two and you were both passed out." I take a moment to reflect on those words, before it finally hits me. We...slept in the same space?! "I had to wake the poor boy up, but I sent some curry home with him. He's so polite," They smiled, continuing, "He apologized multiple times before leaving. His face was as red as a tomato!" I couldn't bare to listen to my parent's words any longer. If I did, I feel as though I would have exploded. That being said, I went to my room. "Agh..I'm constantly haunted with these embarrassing memories!" I say, groaning as I see the sticky note from this morning.

Now the next morning rolls around, and I prepare for school a bit sluggishly. I'm not exactly excited, I think as I recall the events of yesterday. I am curious though, as to what Kazu has planned. 

I rub my eyes, walking out of my room into the kitchen, grabbing a small snack. Everything was quiet until my [mom/dad] entered. "[First Name]," I stuff the snack in my mouth and make a small "Hm" sound. "Someone's here to pick you up." My eyebrows raise for a moment, then become furrowed. Somehow, I have a suspicion on who it might me. The door opens and, as I expected, a blond boy stood on my door step. He looks tired, and somewhat annoyed. Was this Kazu's doing? "Good morning." He says, quickly fixing his expression. "Um, g-good morning." Although I was expecting this, I'm still flustered. I can't catch a break

"Let's get to school." Kenya says, holding a hand out. The scene from the hideout plays in my head once more. My hand? My thoughts are almost exactly the same, and I hesitantly place my hand on top of his. This time, he doesn't speak up, but grips onto my small hand. My body instantly becomes hot. I was not anticipating this, there's no way he's doing this on his own. Kazu must have put him up to this, I'm sure. 

The door closes behind me. My eyes, unable to stay still, look all over the place. My body, in the same predicament, trembles as Kenya's hand holds on to mine. Any sort of composure I may have had previously is thrown out of the door at this moment. The two of us make eye contact for a split second, but it soon breaks. Kenya's eyes squeeze shut, and his head faces forward. "W-We should get going." He stutters out, eyes slowly opening. I blink multiple times, now studying his face. His once pale cheeks are now showered in an almost unnoticeable shade of red. Cute.

We stroll hand in hand, making our way to the school building. I occasionally look towards Kenya, and it seems like his usual calm appearance is starting to crumble. Small sweat droplets form, and I can tell his throat is dry, as he swallows every so often. We arrive at the dreaded building, and immediately after we enter the classroom, roars of children's voices boom. 

"Oh my gosh, look at those two!"

"Wah, are they gonna get married?!"

"Idiot, first they have to get engaged!"

At the sound of the voices, I automatically pull my hand away. It was bad enough with just the group nagging us on, but now the class has come under the same impression. Kazu stands at his desk, grinning at us. Osamu snickers, pushing up his glasses. They totally set this up. The teacher sets foot in the room, clapping his hands twice. "Alright everyone, please take your seats." My lips quiver in embarrassment, and I hurriedly take my seat with Kenya close behind.

It was hard enough focusing before, but today I just couldn't pay attention. Every word being said by the teacher flew past me as I stared out of the window beside me. My mind kept replaying the scenes of the recent days, and I couldn't stop them from playing out. It seems that this set-up routine has been working out nicely for the group, but there's no way that Kenya likes me. He's always staring at that Hinazuki girl. It's not like I even have feelings for him either.

Suddenly my chest begins to tighten. That's a lie. If I didn't have feelings for him, then why would I be acting this way around him, constantly thinking of his relation to Hinazuki? I shouldn't be getting so flustered. It's obvious that I'm attracted to him. I wonder if he knows this and doesn't want to hurt my feelings? Tears begin to well up in my eyes, and I ask if I can go to the restroom. How weak. As I walk out the classroom, Kenya glances towards me. 

I can't contain them any longer. I stop and slide down to the floor, sitting on a flight of stairs. "What am I doing?" Tears burst from my eyes, and I continuously have to wipe at them. I don't know why I'm acting like this. There's nothing to even cry over. "What are you crying for?" A voice asks, and a person sits beside me. I recognize the voice. "I thought something was wrong when you left the classroom." 


"It's nothing." The words barely escape my mouth, as I hiccup due to the tears. "You're not making that statement very believable." Kenya smiles, handing me a tissue. "Thank you." I sob, dabbing the tissue at my tears. "Why are you here?" My words tremble. Trying to calm myself, I take a few deep breaths. "Well," He hands me another tissue. "I was worried. I noticed you seemed a bit off once class started." So he noticed? My heart beats rapidly at the thought. "I'm sorry for making you worry.." Kenya laughs, his tone soft. "Don't worry about it." He stands, offering his hand to help me up. After pulling me up, our hands remain intertwined. 

"How about we hang out together after school today?" He suggests as we walk back to class. A smile appears on my face, and I can't help the rising excitement forming.

"I would love that." 

Seat Partner: An Erased Fanfiction [Kenya Kobayashi x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now