Chapter 1: Common Interest

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I can just feel the piercing gaze from this boy's large, brown eyes. As he looks at me, I begin to clam up. His look is neither comforting, or welcoming. It is more so that of an "all seeing" eye. It's almost like everything went silent for a moment as I tried to regain my composure. When the boy next to me spoke up, I snapped back into reality. I could hear the chatter going on between the other students in the room, each child focusing solely on their seat partner. It seems that mine is as well.

"Hello." Those are the first words I hear come from the blond haired kid beside me. His voice was soothing to the ear, although his expression was still neutral. I swallow, trying to wet the dryness inside of my throat. What am I supposed to say? Perhaps the boy could feel my nervousness, as he continued with a new line of speech. "My name is Kenya, and you are?" I don't know why he's introducing himself, the name tags on our desks already spell out our names. I guess this makes it so that I have to respond.

"I'm [First name]. Nice you." My eyes shift to the side, avoiding eye contact as I speak. I can't handle this stare of his, it only makes me nervous. As I look elsewhere, I notice that, on the board, a few questions are listed that you can ask your partner.

Do you have any pets?
Do you enjoy playing video games?
Do you-

Before I could finish reading the last suggestion, Kenya speaks up beside me. "Do you like to read?" He asks, and before replying, I finish reading the board.

Do you enjoy reading?

Was he reading from the board as well? I look towards him, and smile ever so slightly. "Actually, I do." Reading is one of my interests. My parent(s) always encouraged me to read, so they would buy me all sorts of books. My room at home could be confused with a library. If you stepped in there, you may mix it up with an older individual's area, not that of a kids.

It seems that Kenya was intrigued by that fact, as his follow up question was: "What books do you like to read?" I didn't even have to think about this one. "Superhero books!" I could feel myself growing less anxious. This topic is one that I relate to most, and I love to talk about it. "The way that one person could solve so many problems is amazing...I kind of admire them..." It took a few seconds for me to realize how I was gushing about such a childish topic to someone I don't even know. "Ah, um, I mean-" Great. Now this nervous feeling is coming back. I stare at the boy beside me, awaiting his response to my foolishness.

Much to my surprise, he didn't seem to find my words funny or embarrassing at all. "I agree." Kenya smiles, continuing, "You kind of remind me of someone else in this class.." He trails off for a moment, and I can see he's about to continue, but the teacher interrupts once more. Apparently the activity is already over, and not even much was spoken about. Maybe we'll be moving on to some other sort of activity?

"Since this is the first day, I'll be generous and allow you to now get up and converse with the other students in the class. You can't just talk to your seat partner forever, now can you?" The teacher gives an endearing smile and a wink to the class and everyone rises, except for me. I don't know anyone and I don't want to get to know them.

I sat silently for a bit, and then suddenly felt a tap on my shoulder. The person I was greeted with was not a familiar face, but a group of unknown people, all appearing to be boys. One does happen to be Kenya. They must be his friends. "Hello!" A kid with somewhat messy black hair greeted, a wide smile apparent on his face. "My name is Satoru," Why is he talking to me? "And here is Kazu," He points to a kind of pudgy kid who was wearing a blinding yellow jacket and a green headpiece. Continuing, he pointed to a nerdy looking kid wearing glasses. His name being "Osamu." Lastly signally toward an almost girlish looking kid, dubbing him as "Hiromi."

Kenya stood next to Satoru, hands tucked comfortably in the small front pockets of his jeans, not saying a word. "How come you're sitting here all alone?" The black haired boy asked, tilting his head. "Oh, I just don't, um.. Know anyone around here." It seems that was not a viable response, seeing as what's said next. "Well you talked to Kenya here!" The boy, Kazu I think his name was, says as he pats Kenya on the back a bit forcefully. "So I did." I'm a bit tired of this already. "I think we should give her some space." Kenya finally says to the group and everyone looks towards him. Is he maybe their leader figure? With that, the group, including Kenya walk towards an empty section of the classroom and begin chatting.

I can hear them from here. I didn't mean to listen in on them, but they were being so darn loud..."Kenya, you seemed a bit relaxed earlier~" One of the boys said. This caused quite a reaction between the others for some reason. "You seemed to have her attention~~" Another announced, stifling a laugh. I glance towards their group and it appeared that everyone was gathered around Kenya. "She likes books." He states, not changing a look on his face. Although it didn't seem like it was that significant, the other boys began to howl. What is with these guys..? "Wow, a common interest!" The nerdy kid shouts, grinning.

What are they talking about..? My face feels a bit warm, I think as my fingers raise to touch my face. They're coming to such conclusions based on one interaction? What am I becoming flustered for? I close my eyes and quickly shake my head. The bell has now rung and school has ended. Finally free. I grab my things and hurry to rush out the room, but a voice stops me. "Hey, [First name]!" I think it belongs to Satoru. "Why don't you come hang out with us at the hideout today?" Hideout? That caught my interest slightly. "Oh..alright." I answered, not really giving myself any time to think. At the hearing of my answer, some of the boys snickered and the the others just smiled. Kenya's face remained blank, like he was observing the others. What a weird kid.

"Satoru, Hiromi, Osamu, Kazu," The teacher spoke, looking towards the kids. "Could you help me with something real quick?" I could see that quick wink at the end the teacher gave, but I paid it no mind. "Oh, well it seems Kenya will have to escort you there himself!" Now that seemed to spark a reaction out of the blond boy. If only a slight raise of the brow, but it was something. "Well we'll catch up with you then!" Kazu pats Kenya on the shoulder and the four leave the classroom. Now it's only Kenya and I. How awkward.

I look towards him and see that his normal expression is back. It's almost like a painting, that same look plastered on his face. A quiet sigh escapes from his mouth, and he gathers his things, slipping on his jacket and backpack, while also sliding on his earmuffs.

"I'm sorry about their eagerness," He apologizes, softening his expression. "I suppose we should get going."

Seat Partner: An Erased Fanfiction [Kenya Kobayashi x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now