Chapter 6: Date?

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A/N: So I really had trouble writing this chapter. I had the biggest writers block, but I promise the next one will be much better! Haha, you can only go so many chapters without coming to this phase. I apologize.


The bell signally the end of school has finally rung, and I'm virtually jumping with excitement. I catch a glimpse of Kenya's face as I gather up my things, and a small smile is splattered across his facial features. "So what will we be doing?" I ask as I pull my backpack up onto my shoulders. Kenya's smile almost immediately turns to nervousness. "W-Well," He looks away for a moment before replying. "I haven't exactly-" He's soon cut off by the loud sounds of footsteps growing near. 

"Hello, lovebirds!" Kazu greets, slamming his hands on the desk in front of him. This sudden extreme eagerness catches me off guard, and I jump slightly. "So," Kazu straightens up, now resting his hands on his hips. "I was thinking we could all go to the hideout today." He suggests, a look of mischief in his eyes. "Sorry, [First Name] and I have plans." Kenya shoots down the suggestion as soon as the last word leaves Kazu's mouth, sliding on his coat. "Oh, what's this? A date?" Kazu nudges Kenya in the side with his elbow. "Of course not." Now his quick rejection sends a line of depression down my body. "Will it kill you to just call it a date?" Satoru chimes in, smiling. "It doesn't matter to me. " Kenya finally says, stuffing his hands into his coat pockets. "It won't be anything if you don't let us leave." With that, we're given the opportunity to leave. Took long enough

The two of us now stand outside, where the snow is still falling and the wind is still blowing. "Where did you want to go?" Kenya asks as we walk out the front gates of the school. "Well, um.." I take a moment to think, wanting to make this time enjoyable. "How about we go ice skating?" Kenya's eyebrows raise, and I can tell he's somewhat surprised by my idea. "Ah," He shakes his head, snapping out of his dazed state. "If that's what you want." 

As we stand, preparing to walk onto the ice, one large fact shoves itself in my face. I can't ice skate. Idiot, why would you choose something you're not even good at? Kenya steps onto the ice first almost seamlessly. Hesitantly, both of my feet hit the ice. Just as I think I've successfully gained balance, I slip, falling quite roughly. "Agh..." I sit up, rubbing my back. Kenya skates over, providing a hand for me to grab. He must have skated before. Embarrassed, I grab his hand as he slowly pulls me up, trying not to fall himself. "Be more careful." He says, his expression a bit tense. As he's about to let go, I find myself gripping harder onto his hand. What am I doing? I look towards his face, laughing nervously. "If I let go, I may fall." This wouldn't be so hard if it wasn't for the wind constantly pushing me around

"You're not very good at this, are you?" Crap, already caught. "I-I suppose you could say that." Kenya doesn't seem to mind that I'm still holding on to his hand, which is a relief. "It's almost like walking, but with more of a flow to it." He explains, his feet starting to glide forwards. Seeing as our hands are keeping us together, I'm forced to move as well. Albeit not as gracefully as him, I'm able to keep my butt separated from the ice floor below me. Time passes, and I'm gradually getting the hang of the whole thing. I'm starting to feel quite proud of myself. "Ya know, if anyone saw us like this they might confuse us for a couple!" At first I laugh, but then the words begin to make sense in my head. I just let it slip out. When I realize what I've said, my focus breaks and I slip. Since our hands are still together, Kenya is dragged down with me.

We hit the ice, lying side by side. Frantically, I pull my hand away and sit up, a blush spread across my face. Looking at Kenya's face, I can tell he's taken back by what I said. "Haha, I was just joking of course! You understand, right? I mean, unless you agree, then-" I ramble for a bit, unable to stop this spew of nonsense. Kenya finally sits up, knocking off the small bits of ice from his back. The anxiousness in my body causes my lips to seal, silence filling the air once more. A light laugh breaks this silence, and Kenya begins to stand. He holds out a hand, just as before. "You're cu-" He pauses abruptly as I take his hand, changing his words. "You're something else." This time, I let go of his hand, and am able to balance myself. "How about we go before someone actually gets hurt." Kenya suggests, making his way off the ice. "Y-Yeah."

After changing into our regular shoes, we decide to leave. "I'll walk you home." I nod, not having any objections towards the idea. "W-Well, I had fun." I say, trying to ignore the awkward feeling I'm experiencing. "Yeah. Next time though, let's go someplace warmer." Kenya smiles, pointing towards my exposed ears. "You must be cold." His face turns back to his neutral look as he takes off his earmuffs. At first I'm confused by what he's doing, then I feel a warm sensation on my ears. He has placed the earmuffs on my head. "Ah, but won't you get cold?" I reach my hand up, touching the cup of the earmuff. "I'll be fine."

For the rest of the walk home, it was mostly silent. That fact was not a surprise to me. As we reach my house, I slide the earmuffs off, handing them to Kenya. "Thank you for today." The door opens and I enter my house. "I'll see you tomorrow." Kenya bows, and I slowly shut the door. "Jeez.." I sigh, feeling drained. That was too much for my heart to handle. Would you even consider that a date? All we did was hold hands a few times. I mean, it's not like I'm complaining or anything. I just- "Stop it." I mumble to myself, patting my cheeks. I set my things down, then walk to my room. Upon entering, I throw myself onto the bed. Lying in silence, I begin to reminisce over what happened today. At the thought of everything, I start to feel sick.

To even think of it as a date, what has gotten into me?     

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