Chapter 7: Sick

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Waking up the next morning was painful. My body was burning, so I threw the covers off, reaching up to feel my forehead. The only thing I detect is a soft material, and I realize it's a wet towel. My [mom/dad] must have heard my stirring, as they poke their head into the door. "You're running a fever," They explain, stepping into full view. "You should rest." I sit up, reaching my hand to keep the towel from falling. "I've already called the school." With that, they're gone. The door is still open, probably to make it easier for them to keep an eye on me.

Being out in the cold for so long yesterday must have caused this. I look at the clock, and see it's around the time I usually get up for school. This must be a habit my body has taken on since school has started. A few minutes pass before I hear a faint knocking sound at the door. "Hello," These sounds are all muffled to me, seeing as the front door is far from my room. Thanks to that fact, it's hard to make out everything that's being said. "Oh, I'm sorry. [First Name] isn't feeling well, so she won't be going to school." Who are they talking to? "Ah," The voice belongs to a male, but my thoughts are so foggy that I can't exactly make out who the visitor is. "I'll stop by after school with the work she missed." A classmate? Must be. Now the door is shut, and silence fills the house.

I start to feel weak, and let my head rest on the soft, feathery pillow below. I can hardly keep my eyes open, and it would be best if I just gave in. The blissful world of sleep eventually took over, but it felt like a split second before I was awake again. Back to the terrible sickness which started to eat at me. Just having to keep my eyes open was torture. I blink my eyes, ridding my sight of the blurriness. Then I push my body up to a sitting position. I must have been in a deep sleep, I think as I notice the time. School has already ended. I really slept that long? It's also possible that I woke up times before, but have forgotten. As I feel a pain in my head, I decide to stop pondering on unnecessary things.

"Heya." Someone's here? I didn't even hear them come in. "How are you feeling?" They ask, setting a load of papers on my desk. "Not so hot." It takes a moment, but my mind finally clears itself enough to make out that Kenya is the person in my room. "I assumed as much." He frowns, pulling the chair from under my desk and bringing it to my bedside. "Why are you here?" I ask, occasionally sniffling. "I brought you all of the stuff you missed today." He rests a hand on my shoulder, subtly guiding me to lie down. "I neglected to mention, but your parent(s) went out for a bit." Kenya stands, leaning to grab the wet towel from my forehead.

For some reason, I'm starting to feel worse. Now unable to put together any useful thoughts. Maybe like I've lost a bit of control over any smart actions? I didn't take any medicine before going back to sleep. That obviously must play a role in my feeling this way.

"I'm going to get you a fresh towel."  Kenya holds onto the towel, leaving the room. I look around the room as I wait for a new towel, spotting a few items that weren't there before. Kenya's jacket and school things are set in a corner of my room. Did he come here right after school? Sweat roles down my face, and I kick the covers off once more. My [mom/dad] must have put them back on as I slept.

"Here you go." I turn my focus back to Kenya as he enters the room with a freshly wetted towel. I see his eyebrows furrow at the sight of me. What's wrong? After placing the towel on my forehead, he takes the blankets and pulls them back over me. Gosh, he's acting like such a mom... "Are you hungry?" Blondie asks, wiping his hands on his pants. "No." He straightens up, sending a look that I can't describe. "Well you have to eat." He lets out a "huff", readying to go to the kitchen most likely. What kind of kid acts like this? Time passes and Kenya soon returns, baring a bowl. As he holds it out to me, I recognize it to be chicken noodle soup. The microwaveable kind of course.

I take a mouthful, and immediately regret it. It's steaming hot! Almost as soon as it enters my mouth, it's spewing back out into the bowl. "Eh?!" This took Kenya by surprise. "Be careful." He says nervously, figuring out that I burnt myself. He holds out a glass of water. Wow, he's really prepared. I cough lightly, taking the glass from his hands. The cold water begins to soothe my burning tongue and I hold the cup up against my chin. "I'm really glad you're taking care of me." My foggy mind allows these words to slip out, and I don't even get flustered because the sentence doesn't register completely in my brain. "A-Ah," Kenya stutters out, his view shifting to the side. "Right."

Clearing his throat, Kenya readjusts himself in the seat next to me. "I'll leave once your [mom/dad] gets home." He announces, and I nod. "Oh, you probably feel weird with me in here." Kenya promptly stands, turning to walk out to the living room I assume. Without thinking, my arm reaches out and I grab his hand. "No, it's fine. I feel better with you in here." This seemed to of set off Kenya, as his face turns red ever so slightly. "I-I see." Slowly, he returns to his seat.

It's getting late now, and my [mom/dad] still isn't back yet. I find myself growing more and more tired, but I feel like my fever has lowered since this morning. "Thanks again." I mumble quietly, closing my eyes. The last sight I see before falling back asleep was a puzzled face.

It was cute, I must admit, but I wasn't in my right mind that day. Everything that happened, it was just because of my health, nothing more. I certainly can't wait for the surging regret I'm going to feel after I'm back to normal.

But you don't really think of those things when you're sick, so for the time being, I'll accept the things I've done without consequence.

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