Day 2 Swap

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I slowly opened my eyes, feeling dizzy I closed them again and turned to be in a more comfy spot.

"Uhh. . . Hey kiddo? Are you ok?" I heard a male voice say in concern.

Wait. Weren't my parents gone?

I opened my eyes. And stood up holding my head because it hurt. I then looked over to see who was talking to me and I saw...

The skeleton

"Wha-!!!" "Your not supposed to be real!??!!?!" I yelled backing into the couch. Would he kill me?

"Whoa! calm down buddy" he said holding his hands up.

"I just want to talk" he said. I nodded and make my body less tense.

"Umm your not real. . . Are you?" I asked. I went to poke his side but he moved away.

"Umm I believe I am, or half, heh." He said smiling.

"Anyway uh did you bring me here?"

I shook my head.

"Hmm, alright, well I'm not sure where to go or anything so would it be alright if I stayed here?"

"Um I suppose. my parents won't be here for a long time."

"Heh thanks, what your name bud?"


"Nice to meet you Y/n, I'm sans but call me Geno" he said smiling.

So he was real? How do I know if that's not a costume though? Guess I'll have to figure it out later.

"So Geno, Are you hungry or something?" "I know your a skeleton but uh, you do eat right?" I asked, kind of confused if he did or not.

"Well I guess I could eat. . ." Geno said thinking about it.

"Eh why not. Have any ketchup?"

"Um" I said walking into the kitchen with Geno not far behind. I opened the fridge and grabbed the ketchup bottle. I handed it to him. He took it and thanked me.

Well this should prove weather or not he's real. But even so I have to take drastic measures. Hmm.

I watched as Geno made his way to the couch. It should go through him right? It's not like skeletons can actually eat n' drink. I walked over to the couch myself and sat at the opposite side.

. . .

I watched carefully as Geno began to drink? Eat? Mehh. Anyways I didn't see if it went through him, which made me a little confused. Then again he has clothes on.

Few minutes passed and me and him where watching TV. It seamed he finished it because he got up to throw it in the trash. I looked over to where he sat and sure enough there was no stains of ketchup.

Now I'm really confused.

"Um Geno?"


"How come the ketchup you ate didn't go through you? Arn't you a skeleton?"

Genoary: Geno Sans X Reader [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now