Day 3 Dream

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Maybe slight NSFW? I don't know XD

Your POV

I went to my room and plopped myself on the bed once again making the bed bounce along with me.

I grabbed my phone. 100%.


Now. For some research.

After some time you found the "AU" you've been looking for.

"Aftertale huh?"


After Chara started a Genocide run, and killed Papyrus, Sans went back to the old lab and took Determination. With this sans was even more determined then Chara, or so for a while. Soon Sans realized that even he was becoming predictable. And soon Chara struck. Sans determination was finally taking a toll on him and he was starting to melt. And then found himself in the save screen.

(Ok I'm a bit lazy right now so sorry XD pretend you read all of the back story and such!)

After finishing up reading you where nearly gonna tear up at the feels you where given.

Poor Geno he's been through so much.

You clicked pictures on the Google search page and found lots of fan art about him. Some where cartoons and some realistic as they come. You also found a picture of him blushing?

You smiled at how cute the art was.

After scrolling down deeper and deeper into the web page of art, things seamed to get. well. . . Weird and some what confusing.

I stared at the picture in disbelief.

I blushed at the picture, but I was still confused.

How in the world could a skeleton have a tongue?!?!


I woke up a bit startled. I held my hand to my head. I could feel a slight pounding in my head, indicating I had a headache.

"Uggghhh" i grumbled walking to my bathroom. I brushed my teeth and washed my face.

After that I went down stairs and Geno was already up, surprisingly.

"Oh Hey Geno, good morning" I said sitting on the couch next to him.

"Mmm good morning kiddo"

"Stoping calling me that" I pouted.

"What? . . . Kiddo?" He asked smirking

"Yeah. STOP IT. I don't like it"

"Heh why not? I'm not calling you something bad" he scooted over a bit getting closer to me.

"Be-because I just-ya know it's. . . Unnecessary. I'm not a kid"

"Well then guess I should call you M'lady?" He said facing me.

"Definitely. NOT" I said blushing annoyed.

Geno stared at me. Face to face. He looked lost in thought

"Um. . . Geno?" I asked a little worried.

"Mehh its worth a try" Geno said unexpectedly.


I felt a tugging sensation, a pop, a sort of brief but intense period of disorientation. And I was a bit dizzy. Oh my headache just got worse! I gripped my head in pain and dizziness.

I felt something under me move. I looked at what it was.

I looked down to see myself on top of Geno on the couch.

"G-geno?! I- what?" I studdered, blushing like mad.

"Heh whats wrong?" He said

"I-uh" I covered my face with my hands trying to hide my blush. I felt him grab my wrists and pull my hands away. His face was inches away. He looked at me kindly.

"Ya know you don't have to hide" he said smiling.

He started moving closer to me. Toooooo close!

End of Dream~ Muahahahahahah I'm sooo Evil XD

I woke, sitting up really fast.

Omg wtf. Hnnnnnnnn.

I must admit I was a bit disappointed

Geno's POV

I woke up staring at the ceiling. I sighed. I sat up in the bed and when I looked around I was really confused. Then I remembered.

Oh, right I'm at Y/n's house.

I got up and walked down the stairs. It was quite. Maybe they were sleeping still.

I looked around the house. Taking it all in. I started to drift off in my thoughts.

What if I'm stuck here forever? How did I even get here?

As I thought of this I heard someone coming down the stairs. It was probably Y/n.

"Good morning Y/n" I said as they appeared from the stairs.

"Mmm. Good morning Geno" Y/n said rubbing their eye and yawning. Guess they didn't sleep much.

"Didn't sleep much huh?"

Suddenly they went stiff, maybe tense? Maybe I saw a slight blush as well. But they turned around really fast. Facing away from me.

"I-i-i got to do to the bathroom!" They said running back upstairs.

I stood there and shrugged.

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