Day 5 Angust

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"Hmmm moring" Geno said rubbing his eye socket as he walks by.

I was currently down stairs making breakfast.

"Morning!" I chirped.

Geno walked over to the couch and plops himself on it. Looking like he's still sleeping because his eye sockets where closed.

As I finished the food, pancakes. I look out one of the windows. Well. Tried. Half the window was already coverd in snow! This storm is gonna keep me traped here isn't it?

What are you planning snow gods? Huh?

I glared at the snow. Humph. I placed the pancakes on the plates and headed to the couch.

"Here you go" i said

"Thank you" geno thanked before taking the plate into his hands. I sat bedside him and began to eat as I watched the Tv.

We where forced to stay home all day, witch neither of us mind, because of the snow. Thankfully it was warm in the house.

We basically watched Tv mad talked a bit half the day.

Honestly I was bored to death. There was not much to watch today on Tv.

I sighed, catching the attention of Geno who looked over.

"What's wrong?" He asked.

I looked at him like he was crazy.

"What do you mean "what's wrong?" I said using my fingers to do air quotes.

He lifted a brow, showing he wanted me to continue.

"Aren't you bored already? We've been watching Tv since this morning!" I groaned.

He smiled calmly as he watched me.

"Like don't you want to do something? At least like. . . I don't know. . ." I trailed off thinking what we could do.

Geno hummed closing both of his eyes.

"Well we could play a game" he said gesturing towards the bookself of games.

"Oh! Great idea" I said walking over to examine the games, hmmm

"Uhh what do you want to play? There's, The Last Gaurdian, Horizon Zero Dawn, Outlast 2, Ark Survial, witch sounds interesting to you?"

"Hmmm The Last Guardian sounds interesting" Geno says with his eyes still shut. Oh. That game has the biggest feels of any game I have played. I litterly cried at the end. Whelp. Let's see how this goes.

If you have not watched/Played The Last Guardian WHAT ARE YOU DOING WITH YOUR LIFE!! just kidding XD, but seriously if you haven't played and you want to then don't read this chapter from here kay! I mean if you don't mind spoilers it's fine then. But just a warning since it's a spoiler.

------Time skip------

"Trico no!!!" Geno yelled, when Trico got hurt or those fast moments when they have to escape falling debris. Geno seamed to really be into the game, which might be good for when it ends, I wonder how skeletons cry? Like they do t have tear ducts. Must be a magic/monster thing.

It was finally near the end of the game and Geno was surprised that Trico could fly again and that there was another Trico that they defeated. I called it the Evil Trico.

When they reached the top of the tower geno looked around at the scenery it was a beautiful sunset with colors in the sky, it also seamed to remind him of somthing. Then the other tricos showed up, and Geno was also a bit shocked at the amount of them. When some landed they caught sight of the boy and attacked him. Causing Trico to react and attack the other.

This soon created a mass of tricos to attack our Trico. Geno was quite upset about this. He was horrified when one of the tricos riped off a part of Tricos tail. He used the tail to destroy "the master of the valley" and the boy fanited. Destroying the orb caused the other Tricos to either fall from the sky or fall of the platform of the tower.

Causing more grief for Geno.

When Trico got up and Geno saw how beat up he was he looked as if he was gonna cry already. Trico picked up the little boy and flew off the tower, Geno was a bit confused and watched as Trico ate the boy 'again' and flew off again.

Geno looked quite distressed at the moment, saying then the screen went to black that "it better have not ended yet" i myself was getting teary again, even when I played this game. I held them back though since I wanted to see Geno's reaction. Trico showed up again and the game showed the village Trico took the boy from. He fell landing on the ground hard.

The people in The village thought that it was another attack and went to Trico with spears. Trico threw the boy back up and watched as one of the people took him. Geno was just staring at the Tv.

Some people threw spears at Trico when he was roaring at them,

"No don't hurt him!" Geno said, upset. He moved the controller to make the boy point and say to Trico to go. Trico gave a sad look when he looked at the boy, and understood what he wanted. Trico shakealy stood up and tilted his head a bit, before stumbling and jumping over the villagers and taking off.

Trico flew above and dissaperd into the sky roaring, the screen then went to black and then the narrator began to speak once more. He said,

"And that's how it ended, our extraordinary story"

I heard a sniff and looked at Geno and his eyes were getting teary.

"That's a very. . . Good game" he said.

"Yeah it's an amazing game, too bad it had to end like that though" i said sadly. He was still a little teary but it was going away. Now's my time to strike!

"Awww is the little baby crying" i tease. He looked at me with a annoyed look. He rubbed his eyes and looked away.

"I'm not crying" Geno pouted.

I laughed.

I sighed from laughing making sure to breathe. Man was that funny. I stood up and stretched. I looked at the clock on the wall and almost fell.

"Holy sh-" it was 3:14 am!

I turned around and saw Geno looking at me confusedly.

"Oh sorry" i said sheepishly, rubbing my neck.

"I just looked at the time and it really late" I said pointing to the clock.

"Anyway I'm going to bed night!" I said running upstairs. God it was late. I looked at my window and it still was still snowing. By now it should be at car level.

I changed into my PJ's, I started to settle in my bed when I heard a knock on my door. I lifted my head to the noise and got out of bed. I opened the door to see Geno. He looked a bit sad.

"Geno? Are you-" i was cut off by him hugging me. I was a bit confused but by instinct I hugged him back to comfort him.

Genoary: Geno Sans X Reader [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now