Normal. . ?

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What could possibly go wrong?

Oh reader Chan what could possibly go wrong?

Btw I had no idea what to call this chapter so yeah, there you go 737

Craving pancake? Hmm that's knew. I thought as i continued flipping some over. Unless- . . . Oh no. No. no. no. no. no. no. Oh God why!? Why is this a thing i have to suffer through? Why!? Ugh. Has it really been that long? Already? I sighed.

I flipped them one last time and picked them up and onto a plate. I think there was about 20 pancakes. Homemade too. With a little pinch of cinnamon. I even put the syrup on them as well. Each of us had an equal amount. As i washed my hand in the sink. I heard something, or well someone walk into the kitchen. Judging by the way they were walking I knew who it was.

"Good moring Fresh" I said, as i grabbed a towel to dry my hands. I turn around to see him siting in one of the chairs. He seemd tired but he still put off a smile on his face.

"I thought something smelled sweet in here" Fresh said.

"Yeah probably the frabrezze you sprayed. No?" I said handing him his equal proportion or pancakes. Me hummed in delight at the stack infront of him. He was about to dig in but stopped. I tilted my head abit in confusion.

"I uh. I'm, sorry for almost um burning your house last night. And all the other stuff I've done" he said, respectively. I smiled at him and nodded my head.

"Don't worry Fresh I forgive you okay? We all make mistakes, and i kinda overreacted a bit. So don't worry ok? And don't let those pancakes get cold before you even lay a finger on them" He nodded before smiling and digging in the pancakes.

I took a peek into the living room to see Geno was still fast asleep. I hummed before taking off the apron which I had on so I wouldn't get all that flour on my clothes. And placing it in the rack with some other clothing items.

I headed to the couch and looked at his sleeping form. I smiled and poked his nasal cavity. He stirred a bit but didn't wake up. You poked him again and again. But he refused to wake.

You sighed. Thinking about pouring some cold water on him. You smiled evily at the thought. You ran to the kitchen and grabbed a glass of cold water and headed back to the living room.
Fresh looking with a confused expression on his face. You lifted the cup poured the entire thing on him. Geno jolted up when the water hit him, and fell off the couch. Fresh chuckling to himself and you laughing your butt off.

What a nice morning


"What a horrible morning you" groaned.

Great this is amazing! the female organs just have to be working don't they! Curse who ever made this stupid body of mine! Don't worry mom, dad, I still love you guys. I prayed to any universe that my parents didn't hear that thought. Speaking of who. They wouldn't be back in a long. Long time. About four months. Yep. That's right. Home alone for four months! Then again. I uh kinda, not that much alone. Yeah. just forget I said any of that.

I pouted at my situation. The only reason i hate being female would be this stupid thing that happens every month.

(If you guys haven't got it by now? Your 'period'/'menstrual cycle' will be happening in a few days. Anyone currently going through this I'm so sorry dude I feel and understand your pain. ( ._.) Anyways cerio!)

Genoary: Geno Sans X Reader [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now