7: Old friends reunion.

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Aslam's P.O.V
I sipped my coffee at the same time checking the huge wall clock in our living room. It was after 1am and Ammar is still not home yet. He never sleeps out except if there were some serious issues to take care of. And he do calls me if that was to happen, so I decided to call him.

Hello dude, where the hell are you?

I'm sorry bro, something important came up, I can't make it home tonight.  *Ammar informed.

You know you can always call me if you need help, right?

I know, thanks bro. *He uttered.

Alright, goodnight *I hung up the call.

Ammar's P.O.V
The thought hit me that I need to get someone to stay with her in the morning because I can't just let the news spread that I actually donated a bag of blood to the scholarship girl. Aslam alone can ask me millions of questions I am not ready to answer.

I paced up and down the room trying to come up with a way out. It took me the whole night to finally bring forth something reliable. Giving one of the nurses Aslam's number and telling her to contact him as Fatima's guardian wasn't a bad idea afterall.

Praying subhi and nawafil, I asked my creator to grant Fatima shifa (good health) and protect her from all evil.

I stood by her bed, looking down on her pretty face. She is an adamant and cranky young lady but she was looking so innocent sleeping on the sickbed. I recalled our first encounter, she was so hardheaded and different.

Get well soon scholarship girl. *I uttered before proceeding towards the exit door.

I sighted Aslam hastening into the infirmary as I got into my car. He was in so much hurry to even realise he parked his car close to mine.

Yesmeen's P.O.V
I suspired heavily as I ambulated back into our room. It has been a long night and not even a blink of mine lasted for 3 seconds. My eyes were blood red, my skin was pale, my lips were dry, and my whole body was exhausted. I roved round and round the school looking for my bestfriend, sister and roommate.

I had no one to ask about her, I had no one to help me search for her, I had no way to get to talk to her. I was lost, my mind erred like a lost wanderer.

Sighting her phone reminded me of my only option, which was to call her friend Aslam and seek for help. I dialed the number using my phone and it rang twice before he picked up. I salamed (Islamic greeting), then introduced myself as Fatima's roommate.

Fatima is with me in the school hospital. She had an accident last night but she is responding to treatment. *He explained.

I didn't know why I chose to ignore him and hang up the call. My heartbeat catapulted and tears continued cascading down my pale face. Not minding my weary body, I accelerated my car and I was in the hospital in no time. 

Fatima Ahmad please. *I spoke to the receptionist.

Excuse me ma'am, what about her? *She asked.

Will you just shut up and tell me her room. *I yelled.

I'm sorry ma'am. *She paused checking her desktop.
Room 3. *She blurted and I walked away in a hurry while she stared at me astonished.

I pushed the wooden door of room 3, hastening into the room. I stopped right in front of Fatima's sickbed. She was sleeping tranquilly with her head bandaged. The tears kept dripping down as the thought hit me that it was all my fault. If only I didn't let her go, If only.

The door flung open and a young man ambled in. I swallowed a hard lump after my heart skipped one, two and three beats. Aslam Abdulrahman is Fatima's Aslam, her friend Aslam.

Fatima's P.O.V
Get well soon, scholarship girl were the words that flutter me back from dream world to real world. The sound of a closing door notified me that he left, my saviour and blood donor left. If only I saw him, If only.

I managed to lift up my weary torso and ambulated to the bathroom. I performed wudu and prayed. In my sujood, I asked him Azzawajal to shower his endless blessings on my saviour and fill his life with love and happiness.

I woke up from my slumber to the sight of Yesmeen and Aslam awkwardly staring at each other.

Are you two having some kind of staring contest over there? *I uttered breaking their eye contact.

Are you okay? Do you feel pain anywhere? Should I call the doctor? *Yesmeen's questions kept flowing.

Chill miss, I am fine. *I sat up.

Thank you Rabb, I was scared, so scared. You are never going out alone, not ever. *She shook her head.

Yes your highness. *I beamed.

Thank God you are fine. *Aslam smiled.

So Aslam, are you my knight with a shining armor? *I winked and he kept mum for quite a while.

I only did what I had to. *He gave me a faint smile.

Awwwnnn, thank you so much knight-errant. I feel loved. *I grinned.

I just don't know why I felt like it wasn't Aslam that I saw earlier. But Aslam will never lie to me anyway.

Aslam's P.O.V
I felt the urge to take the credit for what Mr unknown did to Fatima. I didn't save her nor did I give out my blood to her even though I wish I did. Nevertheless, I want her attention to be on me, only me. So the simple answer is yes I did, I saved her.

But then something else was running through my mind. Yesmeen Aminu is here in Rayville and on top of that, she is Fatima's roommate😯

End of chapter

Hello everyone, how are you and every every? And the chappie? 

Will Aslam ever find out that it was Ammar who helped Fatima?
Will Fatima ever find out that it wasn't Aslam that helped her?
And on the other hand it looks like Yesmeen and Aslam know each other. But how and where?
Find out in Rays of love.

Today I will be sharing Ammar Hassan Shashi's pictures with you.

Today I will be sharing Ammar Hassan Shashi's pictures with you

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Acres of love😘

Teemah Shawai👸

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