11: Taking credit.

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Fatima's P.O.V
I met Aslam in the hallway, he was heading towards the class.

Aslam *I called and he shifted his gaze towards me with a smile plastered on his lips.

Welcome back. The class felt hella empty without you. *He grinned.

I am feeling myself right now. *I winked.
I was looking for you anyway, Thank you so much Aslam.

For what? *He uttered looking a little bit lost.

I'm just coming from the head of department's pod, he told me someone reported my illness. Yesmeen said she didn't do it and that leaves me with no other person but you. *I smiled and he kept mum for quite a while.

Um....never mind. It's nothing much. *He sneered.

Aslam's P.O.V
And again I lied for the nth time. Reporting Fatima's case was something I should have done, but I didn't, due to the busy life of mine. But the simple truth is, I will continue being a knight with a shining armor to Fatima for as long as Mr unknown keeps hiding his identity. Because in Fatima's life, there should be me and only me. She will belong to know one but me.

Ammar's P.O.V
I was in class, sending some mails to father's clients when Aslam and the scholarship girl walked in. The feeling after I saw her was weird, it was a feeling of comfort and ease.

Busy as always. *Aslam uttered and I only nodded, glancing at the scholarship girl.

Hy *She said expressionlessly and I kept mum shifting my gaze back to my phone.

I'm under no obligation to answer her, am I?

Ammar, Fatima is talking. *Aslam informed.

I heard. *I answered in a flinty manner, my eyes still on my phone.

What's the attitude all about? *He glared.

Dude enough please, I'm busy here.

It's okay Aslam. *Fatima cut in looking at Aslam.

You are both on your own. I murmured underneath my breath.

Fatima's P.O.V
Scholarship Fatima, scholarship. My subconscious mind reminded.

Just how much more will I have to tolerate from this beast. He is so cold and detached. Is he even a human? I thought.

The lecture that morning was the most boring lecture ever. It was all about calculations and I'm more of theory than calculations. Few minutes to the end of the lecture, the lecturer made an announcement;

I will like to inform you that tomorrow will be our class grouping day. You are going to group yourselves into three persons per group. The three of you will patner in all your academics and other social activities till you graduate. Each man will have to choose two ladies to patner with, meaning there will be two groups with 2 men and a woman. I hope it's clear?

The class became noisy as soon as the lecturer left. Everyone was murmuring except Ammar, Aslam and I.

Aslam excused himself to get water from the vending machine in the hallway. I was dumbfounded watching all those rich and pretty ladies coming to Ammar to ask him to choose them tomorrow to patner with him.

They have no pride nor self respect. Why would I ever patner with a person like Ammar. He is a beast, an arrogant jerk. The most obnoxious thing about him is his egocentric personality.

Aslam was back at the same time the next lecturer came.

My name is Shahid Akbar, I'm from Dubai. This class was just recently included in your syllabus. The school thinks it is important to include a class that will enhance the emotional wellbeing of everyone of you. *He introduced.

We will use this class as a medium to get to know each other better. You will only understand what I mean when the lesson starts. But for today, we are only going to introduce ourselves one after the other, okay? *He added.

We introduced ourselves once more just like the other day. The lecturer shedded more light about his course. It's more of psychology I guess.

Aslam insisted on giving me a ride back to the hostel. I didn't agree at first because Yesmeen was going to pick me up, but he insisted that I had to call Yesmeen and tell her to just go back by herself.

Goodnight patner *He uttered after parking in front of the hostel.

Patner? What patner? *I shot him a dubious stare.

Group patner, you know I am definitely choosing you, don't you? *He smirked.

Oppps, I forgot about it that grouping stuff already. Ok patner, see you tomorrow. *I grinned and he drove off..

Yesmeen was back 10 minutes after I came back.

Give me a strong reason why you had to ditch me today. *Yesmeen shot me a death glare.

I also didn't want to, but Aslam insisted. *I pouted a bit.

So it was Aslam. *She said sounding a little bit disappointed.

I'm sorry yesmey, I promise it won't happen in the future.

It's okay! Try it next time and I won't think twice about removing one of your teeths. *She rolled her eyes.

Yes milady. *I put up an act of bowing down my head and she chuckled.

Can I ask you something? *She asked, the smile on her face suddenly disappeared.

Yes of course, why not?

Do you love Aslam? *She uttered and I kept mum for quite a while.

Yesmeen honestly I don't know that myself. All I know is I like Aslam because he is always coming to my rescue. I don't really love him, I like him. *I nodded.
But why did you ask?

Umm....nothing really, I was just curious. *She smiled.

Tuesday, 11:50am
The class was noisy, they were all murmuring about God knows what. Maybe the groupings. I thought.

Good afternoon class, ready for the groupings? *The docent greeted.

Yes *The class chorused.

Okay then, I have the list of all the members of the class here with me. I will call the men, one after the other to take a look at the list and choose two patners among the ladies. And the first person on my list is Ammar Hassan Shashi, please come forward. *The lecturer informed.

Ammar got up and advanced to the front of the class. He scanned the list then shifted his gaze to the class.

My patners are..............

End of chapter.

Hello everyone, how are you all doing?

There is a saying that two hands are better than one.
Maybe that's why Rayville decided to group their students.
But who will patner with who?
Find out in Rays of love💕



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Lots of love😙

Teemah Shawai❣

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