32: Mr billonaire can cook.

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I dedicate this chapter to @Phertyma and @meenahyashe for the votes and beautiful comments💖 Thank you sweethearts😙

Fatima's P.O.V
I grasped the shopping bag bringing out it's content. It was a brand new iphone 7, a sim pack and a note. The note reads;

I am sorry you had to come here without your phone.

Ya Allah, Ammar is so thoughtful. I was dying to talk to my family. I will use it for now but eventually return it back when we fly back to London. I smiled as I ambled back to our room where Yesmeen was already asleep.

Next day,
I woke up to the sight of no one in the room. I gave my body a quick scrub after a 20 minutes call with my family and Husna. Ammi and Abba gave me their ever heart-stirring words of advice emphasizing on how much trust they have in me. By Allah, I will try my hardest to stick to the decorous upbringing I got from my parents, I will uphold my honor and my family's dignity. Husna freaked out after I told her I was in Paris.
Crazy girl.

I found Yesmeen and Aslam going bonkers as they watch an episode of the American series 'How to get away with murder' They were bickering on who murdered who, who will get away with it and whatnot. They were just too cute to be friends.

Good morning. *I greeted.

Morning sweetheart. *Yesmeen beamed.

How was your night? *Aslam asked.

Yeeeessss, Aslam I told you. Look at that. *Yesmeen cut in moving Aslam's attention back to the television.

So petty, she wouldn't even let me answer his greetings. I murmured rolling my eyes.

Great, just great. I am now invisible. They continued talking and watching and arguing and predicting what will happen next.

Yesmeen will totally forget about me when they become a couple. I can't wait for that though.

I sniffed the air as my sense of smell captured a sweet aroma of pancakes. My lower limbs involuntarily answered to the call of the aroma and before I knew it, I found myself standing in front of the dining table with pancakes, sandwiches, and cups of cappuccinos on it. The pancakes were topped with nutella and strawberries.

I want😂

Hello cuties, called me? *I uttered as I got a seat and helped myself with the pancakes.

Awwwww yum *I mumbled after taking a bite with closed eyes.

Seriously? *I heard Ammar's voice.

I opened my eyes to the sight of a laughing Ammar. He was genuinely laughing at me. I was slack-jawed, I was used to his smile, not his laughter.

Sorry. *He uttered getting a grip of himself.

Ina kwana (Good morning) *I greeted embarrassingly.

Ahh lafiya lau (I'm good) *He said trying to hold back the laughter.

I'm sorry for eating first.

Nahhhh, don't be sorry. Eat as much as you can. *He sat down.

Sure *I dug into my pancakes. It was too delicious to be ignored.

How does it taste? *He asked watching me as I gorged myself on my pancakes.

Heavenly. It's so delicious. *I voiced.

What the nutella is going on here? We were almost starving in there. But none of you called us. *Aslam interrupted.

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