13: Deserved and undeserved punishments.

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Fatima's P.O.V
I was dumbfounded when I found out it was Safina. I was speechless, like how on earth will I wrong Ammar and get punished by Safina. Not even the beast had the guts to slap me, how could she?

And in just a flash, I saw Ammar's palm landing on her cheek as well. She stared at him as if she was dreaming or it was just her own imagination. Her hand never left her now red looking cheek.

How dare you? *He paused looking straight into her eyes.

The next time you do something like this, I will make sure you get kicked out of this school. I'm Ammar Hassan afterall, one phone call and you will be thrown out of here. *He uttered, his voice filled with rage.

Tomorrow, same place, same time. You both should make your research. We will review it. *He added before proceeding to the exit.

Ammar slapped me because of you. He even threatened to have me thrown out of here, all because of you. You will regret this, I promise. *She fumed with anger, picked up her bag and headed out of the class.

What have I gotten myself into? I thought.

Ammar was so cool. He stood up for me. I never imagined he would do such a thing for me. He really is not as bad as I thought.

Ammar's P.O.V
What have I done? I just don't feel like I'm being myself anymore. Why am I crossing my boundaries and exceeding my limits for Fatima?

I have never raised my hands on anyone, infact I don't welcome the idea of physical punishment. But what have I done today? I slapped someone. So unbelievable.

Serves her right, she also have no right to raise her hand on others, especially Fatima. I only just did what was right, maybe. I thought.

Next day,
Fatima's P.O.V
I have been thinking of Ammar ever since the incident yesterday. Remembering how he slapped Safina, what he told her especially the part of throwing her out of the school for me just makes me blush.

The Ammar I have hated so much is now the person I am thinking of. Life is so funny and weird atimes. He is not as bad as I thought. He earned my respect.

I almost forgot about Safina saying she will make sure I regret been here. I was so eager to see Ammar in the evening.

It was 3:30pm so I decided to pray and then walk to our meeting place. I will make sure not to be late today. I gussied up in a royal blue abaya, keeping my makeup simple.

Yesmey, I am leaving. *I informed.

Are you like going for a party? *Yesmeen asked.

Party my knee! I have an assignment to submit on monday.

You look ravishing. Aslam will drool after seeing you.

That was funny. I am not meeting Aslam anyway.

Isn't he your patner?

Nope, Ammar is. *I uttered trying my best not to blush and Yesmeen began to laugh, her hands on her tummy.

What's so funny? *I rolled my eyes.

Jeez, you need to see yourself blushing right now. What are those red cheeks for? Who is Ammar? Don't tell me he is the guy I saw you having a staring contest with the other day.

Yesmey, I wasn't blushing. You are just being too sensitive. I am leaving, I won't be late because of you. *I proceeded towards the door.

Wait, I will drop you off then. *She said, trying to hold back her laughter.

I will walk. I don't want to be lazy pumpkin like you.

Your wish is my command milady. Take care of yourself and our Ammar. *She winked.

Yesmeeeeyyy *I glared.

Sorry *She giggled.

I was in the class at exactly 3:50. None of them was there yet, so I decided to call Husna.


Beshfren, I was just about to call you, hooottttt gist. *Husna yelped with delight.

Oya oya, I'm all ears.

Your besty is in love.

With who? Where did you two meet? What is he like? Tell me, tell me, I am eager. *My questions were endless.

Calm down baby, one question at a time. His name is Suhail, he is my friend's brother. We met two weeks back in school. He was here to see his sister. They live in Abuja. It was love at first sight. He asked me out today and I accepted, meaning he is officially my boyfriend now. *Husna said.

Ooh Emm Giee, Hussy I am just so happy. Can't wait to meet Suhail. I want to see what he is like, stealing my besty's heart wasn't easy at all. *I uttered excited.

I will tell him to visit you when he is free. So what about you?

I can't wait to see him. Hussy nikam dai it's the same old story. All the men here are not my type. Looks, money and status, but there character is a zero. I can't deal. No maybe there is an exception, one person, he is nice. *I smiled at no one.

Oh oh, will be waitimg for updates dai. *She said.

Bakida matsala (you have no problem) Mrs Suhail. *I winked at no one.

Just then, Ammar came in, Safina trailing behind.

Later Hussy.

Okay babes, Bye! *She hung up the call.

Ammar's P.O.V
I was by the door of the class at exactly 3:53. I was about to enter the class when I saw Fatima talking to someone on phone. Probably one of her friends. I couldn't carry my legs to enter the class. I stood there watching one of Almighty's most beautiful creations.

Ehemm ehemm, Amm are you okay? What's wrong? Why aren't you getting in? *Safina spoke from behind fluttering me back to reality.

I glanced at her ,she was shamelessly smiling at me. What's wrong with her? Amnesia or what? Did she already forgot about what happened yesterday? I asked no one in particular.

Safina's P.O.V
Why is Ammar staring at Fatima that way? What's happening here? It seems Ammar is giving her the attention that I deserve. I thought.

Fatima, I will make sure I make your life miserable. I will make sure I create a rift between Ammar and you. Ammar is mine, Only mine. And whomsoever tries to distance him from me, I will make sure I destroy her.

End of Chapter.

Did anyone realise the love triangles here😂

Fatima and Ammar,
Fatima and Aslam,
Ammar and Safina,
Aslam and Yesmeen,
Who will belong to who?
Find out in Rays of love💕

And share💖

Teemah Shawai❣

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