17: Stuck with Mr arrogant.

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Fatima's P.O.V
Twirling around to see who was struggling with the door jarred me. There he was, the person I am here for.

Ammar *I called almost inaudibly and he let go of the door.

Someone locked us. *He said softly.

Locked? *My eyes were as large as saucer.

He slipped his hands into his pocket searching for only God knows what.

Can I use your phone? I left mine in the car.

I looked around in search of my bag and then I halted after recalling I left it in the class after receiving that horrible text message.

OMG, I left it in the class too. *I uttered and Ammar sighed, finding a chair to sit. I also sat on one opposite his.

Are you okay? *We spoke in unison.

Yes, you? *I said calmly and he nodded.

Why were you running like that? Why this place? *He asked.

Why are you here? *I asked too in confusion.

I was curious about the reason why you were running into this place.

Something is fishy. I thought.

You mean you came here after me?

Yes, why? *He said looking confused and I sighed.

I fell for another trick. Safina pledged to destroy my life. She is at it again.

I received a text message saying you were in trouble and if I want to save you, I should come to this place. I only just realised it was a trap and you also ended up here because of me. I'm sorry.*I apologised.

Darn it *Ammar uttered hitting his fist on the table and we kept mum for quite a while.

Why were you running like that because of me? It's not like we are close or anything. *Ammar spoke breaking the silence and I still kept mum.

I really don't know why I was so scared too. I was scared something might happen to him. I didn't want to lose him. This strange connection I am feeling towards him, even I, don't understand.

Don't do it again. *He added.


You came here because of me even though you knew it's dangerous. Don't do it again. Don't get into trouble because of me again. *Ammar spoke, his eyes on the table.

If only I could. If only I could control myself. If only, then I wouldn't be here.

Yesmeen's P.O.V
It's getting late and Fatima is still not back. I called her thousands of times but she isn't picking. I just hope she is fine. Aslam might know something, so I called him. We exhanged pleasantries and I enquired about Fatima.

Fatima with you?

Nope, why?

She is still not back. I called her thousands of times but she isn't picking the call. *I explained.

Subhanallah, I am having a bad feeling about this. I will pick you up in few minutes, we have to look for her.

I will be waiting. *I terminated the call.

Raising my hands up in prayers, I asked him Azzawajal to keep Fatima safe and healthy.

Aslam texted me to inform me he was in front of my hostel. I headed out with my heart filled with fear of losing Fatima again.

Ammar's P.O.V
How can we get out of this place? What if no one finds out we are in here? What will happen to us? Whose trap is this? I asked absolutely no one.

We have been in here for almost three hours. It was late and freakin' cold. I noticed Fatima quivering probably because she was cold. Removing my blazer, I passed it to her and she shot me that what-is-that-for look.

Wear it.

No, I'm fine. You can wear it back. *She refused.

You will catch a cold. *I uttered almost inaudibly.

No, seriously I am fine.

I stood up and walked to her back, wrapping the blazer around her.

Don't be stubborn. *I said proceeding back to my seat.

She stared at me like she was watching some kind of movie. Of course she would, I also couldn't believe I did that. Look at what an asthmatic patient did. What if I get an attack?

Thank you. *She said softly.

Why am I breaking my walls for her? Why am I doing things I can't believe I am doing? Why? I thought.

It's called love Ammar. You are in love. A voice in my head spoke.

It's called sympathy. You only fall in love once in a lifetime and you already did Ammar. Another voice spoke.

Yes, that's sympathy. My once in a lifetime love is Anisa. It was always her and it will always be her.

Yesmeen's P.O.V
Fatima is nowhere to be found. We have searched almost everywhere, but we can't find her. We saw her bag and her phone in the class but there was no trace of her.

What if something happened to her. I am scared Aslam, I am so scared. *I said finally gushing out the tears I tried so hard to bury.

Yesmeen please don't cry. We will find her. She is here, somewhere. *Aslam comforted even though I could see the fear in his eyes and the sorrow in his voice.

Aslam I am worried. Fatima won't leave her bag in the class if she was fine. I am scared Aslam. *I sobbed.

Yesmeen please don't add salt to my wound. Your tears will only increase my pain and make me weak. Please be strong. You can cry after we find her. But for now, let's be strong.

Aslam's P.O.V
Yesmeen and I have been looking for Fatima all night. None of us was able to eat nor sleep. We spent the whole night on the school streets.

We were still searching, when I sighted Ammar's Range Rover near the abandoned library. I can tell it was Ammar's because all their car plates have Shashi's name on them.

But what is Ammar doing there? I thought.

Yesmeen, that's Ammar's car. I wonder what he is doing here.

Why don't we move closer and find out. *Yesmeen uttered and we ambulated closer to the car.

I called his number but he wasn't picking and then I sighted the phone inside the car. Fatima left her phone in the class and Ammar left his phone in the car. Something is definitely not right.

Fatima's P.O.V
Ammar's gasps for air woke me up from my slumber. He was short of breath. Asthma, he was probably having an asthmatic attack.

Ammar, Ammar, please hang in there, I will find a way to get us out of here. *I ran to the entrance and began to beat the door as hard as I could.

Help, someone please help.

Aslam's P.O.V
We were still standing by Ammar's car thinking of what went wrong when we heard knocks on the abandoned library's door.

End of Chapter.

Hello everyone, chapter 17 is here at last. Hope you like it.

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